A Tour Guiding System Using WSN 組員:劉仁倩 劉芳君 粟紀樹
Outline Introduction (Motivation) Introduction (Motivation) Scenario Scenario Architecture Architecture Detail Functions Detail Functions Equipments Equipments Future work Future work Related Work Related Work
Introduction (Motivation) Guiding system for localize, real-time information Guiding system for localize, real-time information Space saving Space saving Combined with regular used devices (cell phone, PDA etc … ) Combined with regular used devices (cell phone, PDA etc … ) High accuracy, low response time High accuracy, low response time Know everything in home and know anything new right away Know everything in home and know anything new right away
Detail Functions Region based structure Region based structure Provide the real-time guiding information (temperature, humidity etc..) Provide the real-time guiding information (temperature, humidity etc..) Active / Inactive guiding mode (sensor power management) Active / Inactive guiding mode (sensor power management) Remote guiding system (id memorize) Remote guiding system (id memorize)
Equipments Hardware Hardware Sensor Mote ( Micaz ) × 4Sensor Mote ( Micaz ) × 4 Processing Board ( MIB510 ) × 1Processing Board ( MIB510 ) × 1 Sensing Board ( MTS310 ) × 3Sensing Board ( MTS310 ) × 3 Mobile Device × 1Mobile Device × 1 Software Software TinyOS + JavaTinyOS + Java AccessAccess JDBC 、 ODBCJDBC 、 ODBC
Future work Mobile tour guide Mobile tour guide 1. Localization 2. Region id update 3. Remote control problem 4. Response time issue 5. Power supply
Related Work Pekhteryev, G.; Sahinoglu, Z.; Orlik, P.; Bhatti, G, “ Image transmission over IEEE and ZigBee networks ”, IEEE CNF Pekhteryev, G.; Sahinoglu, Z.; Orlik, P.; Bhatti, G, “ Image transmission over IEEE and ZigBee networks ”, IEEE CNF Evans-Pughe, C, “ Bzzzz zzz [ZigBee wireless standard] ” IEE JNL Evans-Pughe, C, “ Bzzzz zzz [ZigBee wireless standard] ” IEE JNL Heng-Chih Huang; Yueh-Min Huang; Jen-Wen Ding, “ An implementation of battery-aware wireless sensor network using ZigBee for multimedia service ” IEEE CNF Heng-Chih Huang; Yueh-Min Huang; Jen-Wen Ding, “ An implementation of battery-aware wireless sensor network using ZigBee for multimedia service ” IEEE CNF Cox, D.; Jovanov, E.; Milenkovic, A, “ Time synchronization for ZigBee networks ” IEEE CNF Cox, D.; Jovanov, E.; Milenkovic, A, “ Time synchronization for ZigBee networks ” IEEE CNF Wei Wang; Liew, S.C.; Lee, J.Y.B, “ ABRC: an end-to-end rate adaptation scheme for multimedia streaming over wireless LAN ” IEEE CNF Wei Wang; Liew, S.C.; Lee, J.Y.B, “ ABRC: an end-to-end rate adaptation scheme for multimedia streaming over wireless LAN ” IEEE CNF