Science Lesson What can teeth tell us? 5E Model #5. Materials #5. Materials
Rationale High-interest, hands-on lesson Follows CA First grade standards This lesson will teach students that teeth have varying shapes and uses
Engagement Show the students pictures of meat- eating dinosaurs and plant-eating dinosaurs, one at a time Ask students to describe the teeth. Ask what kind of food the dinosaur might eat
Exploration Students will work in cooperative groups to investigate the relationship between the shape of a tooth and an animal’s diet Guiding question – How do the teeth of animals help the animals eat their food?
Materials Staple remover Cotton balls Flat rocks Leaves
Investigation Distribute materials to each group The staple remover represents sharp, pointed teeth The cotton balls represents meat The 2 flat rocks represent flat, grinding teeth The leaves represent plants
Explanation Introduce correct terminology Carnivore – a meat- eating animal Herbivore – a plant- eating animal Ask kids to share their findings from the investigation #6. Investigation #6. Investigation#6. Investigation
Elaboration Extend understanding to new, but similar, situations Have students use mirrors to examine their own teeth to identify what kinds of teeth they have They should conclude that they are meat-eaters and plant- eaters