Going to school because you want to. Setting your own course in life. Staying in school and getting good grades. Graduating and getting the “right” job! What is College Success? Yes!
High School vs. College: What’s the difference? High SchoolCollege Classes were small with a lot of instructor- student interaction Classes are larger, more complex, and more impersonal Your parents and teachers made sure you were in school every day Attendance may be up to you Tests and quizzes were given regularly to check your understanding of the material College instructors give fewer tests Parents and teachers gave a lot of guidanceNobody treats you like a kid anymore Reading assignments were generally shortYou have to do much more reading now Good grades were often easy to get, if you paid attention in class Good grades are hard to get and require a lot of study You had known many of your classmates for years Your college classmates may be more diverse and brand new to you.
So what does it take to succeed? Self-esteem: Self-esteem: I am somebody who counts! Self-confidence: Self-confidence: I have what it takes! I have what it takes! Positive Attitude: Positive Attitude: I will do it!
Been away from school for awhile? What are your strengths? You’ve been out in the “real world” and you know how it works. You’ve been out in the “real world” and you know how it works. You’ve held a steady job & raised a family. You’ve held a steady job & raised a family. You’re older and wiser than you used to be. You’re older and wiser than you used to be. You know how to get along with people. You know how to get along with people. You know how to keep going when things get tough. You know how to keep going when things get tough.
The Mechanics of Success: Setting Goals Set goals that are challenging, reasonable, and specific. Set goals that are challenging, reasonable, and specific. –Challenging: Reach beyond what you are! –Reasonable: But don’t bite off more than you can chew! –Specific: Be precise about what you want! Set long-term and short-term goals. Set long-term and short-term goals.
The Mechanics of Success: Set Long-Term and Short-Term Goals Long-Term Long-Term –Graduating with a degree in Computer Science. –Entering medical school. –Teaching college. Short-Term Short-Term –Meeting with a study group this weekend. –Completing a research paper next week.
The Mechanics of Success: Work on Positive Character Traits Academic Integrity Academic Integrity –Earn your degree with your own honest efforts. –Abide by your school’s honor code. Know Yourself Know Yourself –Realize that you’re the only one who can make yourself get an education. –Know your strengths and also your limits. –Take your health and wellness seriously. –Honor the values you were raised with. –Be proud of who you are and what you can do… Is that really me?
The Mechanics of Success: More on Positive Character Traits Take Responsibility Take Responsibility – Reward your successes and learn from your failures. Be Self-Motivated Be Self-Motivated –If you don’t do it, who will? Be Persistent Be Persistent –When things get tough, “hang in there!” –Rome was not built in a day. Education takes time…
The Mechanics of Success: More on Positive Character Traits The Mechanics of Success: More on Positive Character Traits Self Monitoring Self Monitoring –Keep an eye on yourself. –Are you keeping an effective schedule? –Do you plan ahead or “go with the flow?” Self-Control Self-Control –Self-control is the key to happiness. Be Enthusiastic Be Enthusiastic –Face challenges with a smile and a will to succeed!
The Mechanics of Success: Mastering Effective Work Skills Stay on task, on time, and under budget. Stay on task, on time, and under budget. Go to class and take good notes. Go to class and take good notes. Participate in class: collaborate with other students and interact with instructors. Participate in class: collaborate with other students and interact with instructors. Develop good reading, writing, and speaking skills. Develop good reading, writing, and speaking skills. Develop good study and test-taking strategies. Develop good study and test-taking strategies. Use that incredible brain of yours a lot. Work on your critical thinking skills. Use that incredible brain of yours a lot. Work on your critical thinking skills.
The Mechanics of Success: Mastering Effective Work Skills- Part 2 Plan ahead. Stay on top of your schedule. Plan ahead. Stay on top of your schedule. Take charge of your own learning. Take charge of your own learning. Get Connected! Get Connected! –Study with a group. –Get to know one person who cares about you. –Get involved in campus activities. –Learn about campus resources. –Meet with your instructors, advisors & counselors.
Very important! Don’t let boredom have you! Find a way to get interested in that “boring” lecture. It’s there if you look for it. Find a way to get interested in that “boring” lecture. It’s there if you look for it. Make your mind up to explore new paths. Make your mind up to explore new paths. Explore interesting topics beyond the classroom Explore interesting topics beyond the classroom Develop a love of learning for all new things. Develop a love of learning for all new things. Boredom is a major drag! Why make yourself negative and unhappy? Boredom is a major drag! Why make yourself negative and unhappy?
Always remember why you’re in college: The Rewarding Connection between College and Career A college education has lots of positive results: A college education has lots of positive results: –Higher Income –Happier in life and work –Longer life –More say in the world around you… We always need to be realistic!
Academic Autobiography Activity 1.1 At some point in your schooling, you’ve probably written an autobiography about your life. In this assignment, you’ll be writing about your academic life. Consider the following questions and compose your answers: How well have you been prepared through grade school, middle school, and high school for the scholarly requirements of college? What are your strong points as a student? What do you predict will be your biggest academic challenge in college? This assignment asks you to focus on yourself as a student, both by looking back and looking ahead.
The Ideal Student Activity 1.2 Think about the characteristics of an ideal student and create a “Top Ten List” of the attributes that an ideal student would display. As a group, we will create a master list of our agreed upon most important attributes. When we have our class “Top Ten List”, write the items down on your paper and identify the ones you can promise to do throughout the course with a “Y” for “yes”. Consider your “yeses” carefully, as these papers will be collected and reviewed throughout the term.