Cooperative Forestry Research Unit: Success Stories Spencer R. Meyer Associate Director Cooperative Forestry Research Unit University of Maine
About the CFRU Research partnership between Maine landowners and the University of Maine, since 1975 The CFRU’s 28 members own and manage ~8.3 million acres in Maine Members include family ownerships, corporations, REITs, TIMOs, NGOs and state agencies. CFRU Research Project Locations CFRU Member Lands
29 CFRU Members Major Cooperators Appalachian Mountain Club Baskahegan Lands Baxter State Park SMFA Black Bear Forest, Inc. EMC Holding, LLC Forest Society of Maine The Forestland Group, LLC Frontier Forest, LLC Hancock Lumber Company, Inc. Huber Engineered Woods, LLC Huber Resources Corp. Irving Woodlands, LLC Katahdin Forest Management Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands The Nature Conservancy Plum Creek Timberlands Prentiss and Carlisle Company, Inc. Robbins Lumber Company Sappi Fine Papers Seven Islands Land Company Tall Timbers Trust, LLC Timbervest, LLC US Forest Service, Northern Research Station Wagner Forest Management, Ltd. Other Cooperators Field Timberlands Finestkind Tree Farms Landvest Mosquito, LLC Peavey Corporation
Productivity Research: Commercial Thinning Research Network Study Objectives: 1.Develop statewide network to improve our understanding of PCT and natural spruce-fir stands 2.Compile data necessary to refine growth and yield models Models show that PCT followed by commercial thinning pays substantial returns!
Herbicide trial established 1977 Productivity Research: Austin Pond Study No management Herbicide only PCT and herbicide Roundup (1.65 kg/ha) 2,4-D + 2,4-DP + MSMA ( kg/ha) Control Roundup (3.3 kg/ha) Garlon 3a (4.4 kg/ha) Roundup (1.65 kg/ha) 2,4,5-T (3.3 kg.ha) 2 2,4-D + 2,4,5-T ( kg/ha) Pre-commercially thinned 700 TPA, 1986
Productivity Research: Austin Pond Study 30 Years Improved models show substantial returns from herbicide and PCT treatments! Caution… Should we grow for what sells today or what we think might sell tomorrow? Current trends in hardwood and softwood markets may not favor herbicide treatments! Caution… Should we grow for what sells today or what we think might sell tomorrow? Current trends in hardwood and softwood markets may not favor herbicide treatments!
Concern over federal regulation of buffer strips on streams leads to study of 15 watersheds in Maine – region’s largest study! T station Ecosystem Function Research: Headwater Stream Study
T station Ecosystem Function Research: Headwater Stream Study Concern over federal regulation of buffer strips on streams leads to study of 15 watersheds in Maine – region’s largest study!
Ecosystem Function Research: Headwater Stream Study Temperatures in streams with no buffers recover in 6 years. Streams with 11-m buffer strips recover in only 2 years! No Buffer 11-m Buffer
Ecosystem Function Research: Biodiversity Index Develop simple tools for managers to assess biodiversity for forest certification old- growth Biodiversity Score minimally disturbed Clearcut
Fish & Wildlife Research: Landscape Lynx Habitat Modeling 2007 Probability of Lynx Occurrence CFRU research identified that herbicided clearcuts create optimal habitat for lynx! Habitat requirements for federally threatened Canada lynx needed to be better understood.
Wildlife Research: Landscape Lynx Habitat Modeling Business as Usual (extensive, little clearcutting) Lynx Marten Lynx Marten Maximize Sustainable Harvest (more clearcuts, fewer partial harvests) Habitat that is good for lynx now becomes good for marten.
Wildlife Research: Deer Wintering Areas Executive summary with top 15 recommendations Complete 156 page report CFRU responds to concern over potential Deer Wintering Areas Regulation: Completes state-of-the-art report on the science behind DWAs, helping landowners inform their discussions about regulation.
CFRU Financials 15:1 leverage ratio for large members! CFRU reorganized to leverage external funds, doubling research capacity!
CjpCjp Financials