Chapter Nine Case Study Five Not-for-Profit Brand Building
Organization’s Background Building industry trade organization –specialty materials –very technical –building primary demand (which is?) Image study results Successful implementation issues –avoid channel conflict –understanding membership
Brand Building Model (High tech environments) –Eight Steps 1) Monitor environment 2)Long term brand communication strategy 3) Role of opinion leaders 4) Brand the organization not product/svs. 5) Visual image 6) Branding strategies for all customer contact points
7) Strategic alliances 8) Internet presence consistent Stakeholders –blurring in not-for-profit trade organizations –customers are investors –suppliers are customers –initial focus on potential members and governmental agencies
E-Business Marketing Goals E-Commerce –dissemination of information regulatory technical CRM –brand/image stands for something ERP –Lower cost of doing business (!) BI –monitoring the environment (frequently)
Value Bubble Site needs work –Strategies and implementation differences Attract –online experiences (think do feel) Engage –information and networking with membership Retain –trade shows/conferences, seminars
Learning –registration Relating –seminars based on info requests Example site – –formally AMA