Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999 Suzanne Ginsburg SIMS 213 First Interactive Prototype
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999 Overview Discuss problems Describe representative tasks Introduce UI - lo-fi and first interactive prototypes Conclude with plans for second interactive prototype
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999 Problems Difficult to access resources about Holocaust survivors and victims. – USHMM provides in-house Survivors Registry, online Auschwitz search, and search service. Each resource is organized differently. – Memorial books were compiled in various manners, i.e., according to town or camp.
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999 Problems (continued) Inaccurate data – Communication problems between clerks and prisoners. Spelling variations – Jewish vs. Polish vs. German names. 50 years ago – Survivors can not remember precise spelling of names.
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999 Representative tasks Scenario 1: Registry Staff A letter arrives from a woman in Russia looking for information about her cousin Isaac Kahane, who was born in Maciejow, Poland in She heard from another cousin that he had an alias during the War. She thinks he might be alive and wants to make contact.
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999 Representative tasks Scenario 2: Survivor Aron is interested in finding out about a man who helped him when he became seriously ill in the Lodz ghetto. His first name was Abe and his last name was Veissman or Weissman. During the search he is interrupted by someone who needs to use the computer.
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999 Representative tasks Scenario 3: Historian One of the Museum historians is working on a project about Auschwitz and wants to get a sense of the prisoners involved in the camp. He is interested in finding vital information about these individuals, such as birthplace and nationality.
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999 Introduce prototypes Lo-fi First interactive
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999 Lo-fi prototype Describe prototype Observations from user tests
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999
What worked Frame layout Browse Search examples What didn’t work Descriptive labels Advanced Search Search instructions Names Access Project Observations from user tests
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999 First interactive prototype Major pages and features Wizard of Oz techniques Current limitations and weaknesses Scenario walkthroughs
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999 Major pages and features Start Page - birthplace search, labels and summaries, Advanced Search Advanced Search - search tips Browse Surnames Search Results - icons, revise search, contacting survivors Additional Services - save searches, index to searches, educators Other Browse Tools
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999 Wizard of Oz techniques Backend not connected Save search results simulated with hyperlinks
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999 Current limitations and weaknesses Browse Places, Sources, and Images Record contents Aesthetics Wizard of Oz techniques
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999 Scenario walkthroughs
Names Access Project SIMS April 1, 1999 Second interactive prototype Use ColdFusion for backend. Develop additional services. – Save search results – Making connections Additional attention to data issues and aesthetics.