Simulation of Plasma Wakefields and Weibel Instability of Electron Beams in Plasma Using Codes LSP and OSIRIS beam density plasma densityelectron density A. Solodov, C. Ren, J. Myatt, and R. Betti University of Rochester Laboratory for Laser Energetics W. B. Mori, UCLA 3d Meeting of the Fusion Science Center for Extreme States of Matter and Fast Ignition Physics University of Rochester 26–27 January 2006
Codes LSP and OSIRIS OSIRIS (developed at UCLA) Explicit PIC LSP (product of MRC Albuquerque) Explicit or Implicit Particle (PIC) or Fluid Courant condition for the electromagnetic fields: Δt<Δx/c Numerical heating if Δx>3λ D Courant condition is unnecessary in the implicit mode, non-resolved temporary modes are damped, remaining limitation: Δt < Δx/v te Implicit PIC: numerical heating or cooling if Δx>λ D Implicit fluid: no numerical heating or cooling