Recent British Fiction: Session Two Will Self and Tibor Fischer
Agenda Smith and Ali as examples of PoCo? Smith and Ali as examples of PoCo? Similarities and differences between Smith and Ali and Fischer and Self Similarities and differences between Smith and Ali and Fischer and Self Tibor Fischer and Will Self Tibor Fischer and Will Self
PoCo Edward Said and the notion of Orientalism: Edward Said and the notion of Orientalism: –The history of and cultural relations between Europe and Asia –The university discipline dealing with Oriental languages and culture –Images, stereotypes, myths, and ideologies about ”the Orient” as the ”Other”
PoCo Edward Said and the ”worldliness” of the text Edward Said and the ”worldliness” of the text –Texts are not examples of différance – of meaning sliding endlessly along the chain of signifiers –Texts are used by specific people in specific contexts for specific purposes
PoCo Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s notion of the subaltern – the colonized non-elite Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s notion of the subaltern – the colonized non-elite –How can the subaltern speak? –How can the subaltern be spoken for?
PoCo Further Important Concepts: Further Important Concepts: –Mimic man: in-between subjectivity –Hybridity: Bakthin and revolutionary discourse (the dialogic) –Diaspora – the dispersion of something that was originally localized (people, language, culture)
Tibor Fischer and Will Self How are the extracts similar to or different from the ones by Smith and Ali (and other stuffe that you’ve read? How are the extracts similar to or different from the ones by Smith and Ali (and other stuffe that you’ve read?
Lad Lit Masculinity Masculinity
The Novel of Ideas
Ecocriticism Culture – nature Culture – nature Human – non-human Human – non-human Rationality, reason – animality, nature Rationality, reason – animality, nature Mind – body Mind – body Reason – emotion Reason – emotion Freedom – necessity Freedom – necessity Civilised – primitive Civilised – primitive Master – slave Master – slave
Ecocriticism: two definitions ”the study of the relationship between literature and the physical environment” (Cheryll Glotfelty) ”the study of the relationship between literature and the physical environment” (Cheryll Glotfelty) ”the study of explicitly environmental texts by way of any scholarly approach or, conversely, the scrutiny of ecological implications and human-nature relationships in any literary text, even texts that seem, at first glance, oblivious of the nonhuman world” (Scott Slovic) ”the study of explicitly environmental texts by way of any scholarly approach or, conversely, the scrutiny of ecological implications and human-nature relationships in any literary text, even texts that seem, at first glance, oblivious of the nonhuman world” (Scott Slovic)
Ecocriticism: Narrow definition Nature on the agenda: Nature on the agenda: Global warming Global warming Deforrestation Deforrestation Pollution Pollution Decimation of species Decimation of species Animal rights Animal rights