Academic Publishing Herman Bakvis Presentation to 3 rd Annual HSD Graduate Student Conference Friday October 21, 2005 University of Victoria
Overview When When Where Where Preparation Preparation Review Process Review Process Career Development Career Development Co-authoring Co-authoring Conclusion Conclusion
When to Publish Strategies & Opportunities Strategies & Opportunities –Prolific approach –Deliberative approach Pre-thesis Pre-thesis –Pros & cons Post-thesis Post-thesis –Articles vs. book
Where to Publish Your discipline Your discipline Rankings/hierarchy Rankings/hierarchy Journals Journals –Topical –Theoretical –Methodology –General fields –Mandate
Where to Publish (2) Books Books –University Presses –Commercial Presses –Funding –Prospectus Book chapters Book chapters Electronic outlets Electronic outlets
Preparing the Manuscript Journal guidelines Journal guidelines –Format –Page length –References Abstract Abstract Cover letter Cover letter
Preparation Book manuscripts Book manuscripts Audience/market Audience/market Publishers style guide Publishers style guide Thesis vs. the Book Thesis vs. the Book
The Review Process Peer-review journals Peer-review journals –Referees/process Decisions Decisions –Accepted as is –Minor revisions –Major revisions –Revise and resubmit –Reject
The Review Process Books Books Reviewers Reviewers Editorial Boards Editorial Boards Author’s response Author’s response Decision Decision –Accept –With revisions/major revisions –Reject
Career Development Expectations Expectations –Internal vs. External Using peers and colleagues Using peers and colleagues Mentors Mentors Publishing strategically Publishing strategically –Journals, books & chapter Single vs. co-authorship Single vs. co-authorship
Teams and Co-authoring Research teams and publishing Research teams and publishing –Protocols/boundaries –Clarification Supervisor and student Supervisor and student –Protocols –Conflict of interest
Conclusion Valuable learning experience Valuable learning experience Crucial to both creation and dissemination of knowledge Crucial to both creation and dissemination of knowledge Confidence building Confidence building Measurable output Measurable output Satisfaction Satisfaction Shared community Shared community