Absolutism Jeopardy!! SpainFranceEnglandRussiaAustria + Prussia ?
1.Philip II, his son 2.Ferdinand, his brother
Mary Tudor
The Duke of Alba
Sea Dogs
Bad storm Fixed Guns Merchant ships do not equal warships Mix and Match ammunition
French Protestant
Control of Religion- Evokes Edict of Nantes, crushes Huguenots In charge of the: Military: Enlarged his army from 70,000 to 200,000 Political Affairs- Versailles Economic Affairs-Colbert Being in control of all of these areas deprived the nobility of influence
Henry IV (of Navarre) Granted the Huguenots religious toleration and let them fortify their own towns and cities
Catherine de’Medici
One King, One Law, One Religion (faith)
named the King of England as the head of the Church of England Henry VIII
When a group of nobles invited James II’s daughter, Mary and her husband William to rule England. They kick James II out and become the head of England.
Oliver Cromwell Cromwell dismissed all members of Parliament who disagreed with him
When Charles I dismissed Parliament and ruled without consulting them for 11 years
Nine Days Queen Lady Jane Killed by Mary Tudor
Bringing elements of Western culture to a country that’s lagging in modernization
Ivan the Terrible
Promoted officials based on service instead of their social status Expanded Navy, built hundreds of ships Brought the Church under state control Brought westernization to Russia Built St. Petersburg
Peter III Overthrown by Catherine and military/noblilty
Convinced his wife, Anastasia was murdered Killed most of his advisors and their supporters Killed his son Created a private police force Ordered the execution of thousands of people because he thought they may want to break away from Russia
A. Never
Head of the Holy Roman Empire
Ended the Thirty Years’ War
Fredrick the Great of Prussia
Maria Theresa
Answers will vary
Kate Middleton
Louis XIV Philip II