ILCSC and WWS News David J. Miller: ILCSC news for MDI workshop, 6 January 20051 ILCSC Membership Recent ILCSC meetings Worldwide Study Plans.


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Presentation transcript:

ILCSC and WWS News David J. Miller: ILCSC news for MDI workshop, 6 January ILCSC Membership Recent ILCSC meetings Worldwide Study Plans

ILCSC and WWS News David J. Miller: ILCSC news for MDI workshop, 6 January Current Membership of the ILCSC (1 January 2005) Directors CERN,Robert Aymar; DESY, Albrecht Wagner; Fermilab, Michael Witherell; KEK, Yoji Totsuka; SLAC, Jonathan Dorfan LC Steering Group Chairs Asian, Won Namkung; European, Brian Foster; N. American, Satoshi Ozaki Other ChairMaury Tigner China (IHEP Director)Hesheng Chen Russia (BINP Director)Alexander Skrinsky ICFA outside LC regionsVinod Sahni Asia Rep. Sachio Komamiya Europe Rep. David Miller N. American Rep. Paul Grannis SecretaryRoy Rubinstein

ILCSC and WWS News David J. Miller: ILCSC news for MDI workshop, 6 January Recent Meetings: (see for fuller notes of meetings) Beijing ICHEP, 19 August (Joint with ICFA) Approved ITRP recommendation. Chose name of “ILC” Set up ILC1 workshop at KEK November KEK, 16 November Reviewed ILC1, including Town Meeting inputs Set up ILC2 workshop at Snowmass August Approved draft MOU for Global Design Initiative Set up searches for Central Team Director and location Heard plans from WWS for development of experiments+MDI Next Meeting; Vancouver 10 February (ICFA 11 February) Should choose Central Team Director and location

ILCSC and WWS News David J. Miller: ILCSC news for MDI workshop, 6 January The Town Meeting had criticised the figure which showed responsibilities within the GDI, but not working arrangements. ILCSC accepted that we should learn “from the ILC1 experience, the latter should follow the Working Group structure, and cut across the geographical responsibility boundaries shown in the figure”.

ILCSC and WWS News David J. Miller: ILCSC news for MDI workshop, 6 January On 16 November at KEK, the WWS-OC reported that, in its role as physics and detectors sub committee it would : a)Recognize studies being made of whole-detector concepts, and co- ordinate the presentation of their performance studies and their cost estimates, on timescales set by ILCSC. The WWSOC will work toward interregional, and multiple, studies, leading eventually to detector technical design reports (TDRs); b) Co-ordinate with the Central Team set up by Global Design Initiative for the accelerator, especially on questions of detector cost, beam delivery, accelerator issues impacting the experimental physics program, and the machine detector interface; continued………

ILCSC and WWS News David J. Miller: ILCSC news for MDI workshop, 6 January c) Keep a register of those detector, accelerator design, and machine-detector interface R&D activities which are relevant to the Linear Collider experimental physics program. d) Identify R&D activities which are vital to the Linear Collider experimental physics program, especially those which are lacking effort. e) Report on all of these matters, and others assigned, to the ILCSC. WWS will continue to organise worldwide workshops (LCWS) on Physics and Detectors for the ILC, and support regional and specialist workshops and meetings. [Expect a regional OR an LCWS workshop in each region per year]

ILCSC and WWS News David J. Miller: ILCSC news for MDI workshop, 6 January Teams forming bottom-up. So far: 1. SiD; all-silicon tracking, high B SLAC+FNAL working together; inviting European and Asian participants. 2. “GLD”; Large volume gaseous tracker with lower B starting from JLC/GLC detector; inviting American and European participants. 3. ex-TESLA and ex N.American “Large” first get together January 2005; +video links to SiD and “GLD” to discuss benchmarks and common tools. Sub-detector R&D teams encouraged to contribute to more than one concept; e.g. TPC development, vertex detectors, etc. etc.

ILCSC and WWS News David J. Miller: ILCSC news for MDI workshop, 6 January Note: All timelines are based on the GDI proposal on the web. They will change to fit Central Team plans. Step 1. Form panels (see below) Step 2. To match accelerator CDR (2005 0r 2006?) Single preliminary costing and performance paper for all concepts. Step 3. To match accelerator TDR (2007?) Detector CDRs with performance on benchmarks, technical feasibility, refined costs etc. Received by WWSOC Step 4. When Global Lab. is formed (2008?) L.O.I.s for Experiments. Global Lab. invites TDRs. Step 5. Global Lab. + 1 year (2009?) G.L. receives TDRs and selects experiments. Concept teams. (overlapped membership) Collaborations (competitive)

ILCSC and WWS News David J. Miller: ILCSC news for MDI workshop, 6 January Working Panels Detector R&D, will start before LCWS Concept costing and support (still debating) Machine-Detector Interface Panel Liaise with GDE to co-ordinate MDI between accelerator, detector R&D and concept teams. Identify BDIR issues needing R&D. (Existing ad hoc group of Tauchi, Woods and Bambade already working in this direction, planned MDI workshop for Jan 05. Hope to incorporate them as a panel jointly with GDE – after plans clarify. Will be needed until Global Lab. forms)