Game Theory April 9, 2009
Prisoner’s Dilemma One-shot, simultaneous game Nash Equilibrium (individually rational strategies) is not Pareto Optimal (group rationality) Also interesting Repeated plays (finite, infinite) Computer program competition (Tit-for-tat)
Fields where game theory is used Engineering Economics, Business Auctions, voting systems, oligopolies Biology Evolutionary forces Animal behavior Evolutionary game theory Political Science Arms races, democratic peace Social choice theory Psychology Behavioral economics Human behavior, rationality vs irrationality
Game Theory: Overview Decision makers’ objectives Cooperative Same objectives, coalitions Non-cooperative Zero-sum games – diametrically opposed players Non-zero-sum games Game moves One-shot games, repeated games, infinite games Simultaneous vs. sequential (dynamic)
Games Information Perfect information (Ultimatum game, Chess) All players know previous moves Only sequential games Imperfect information Complete information known strategies and payoffs, not actions Strategies Continuous Discrete
Game Representation Extensive form More general Sequential games Imperfect information Trees Normal Form Matrix representation showing strategies and payoffs for each player Simultaneous games (or no knowledge of others’ move)
Game Types Combinatorial games 2 player games Take turns to try to win Perfect information Impartial games (chess, etc.) Same moves available to all players Partisan games Some players have more moves than others Classical game theory
Auctions Value of item Private Value Common Value Complete information (10$ bill) Incomplete information (jar of coins) Procedures for bidding Open – repeated bidding, awareness of others’ bids Closed – sealed bids
Auction Types English - ascending price, highest wins Dutch – descending price Sealed bid 1 st price Depends on what you think other people will do Bid less than value Vickrey – sealed bid, 2 nd price True value
Vickrey auction Payoff to 1 = Prob(b 1 > b 2 )[v 1 – b 2 ] If v 1 > b 2, want to max Prob(b 1 >b 2 ) so set b 1 =v 1 If v 1 b 2 ) so set b 1 =v 1 So always want to tell the truth
Auctions Applications Estate sales/antiques E-bay Google advertisements Offshore oil fields Winner’s curse – overpay for common value item with incomplete information Bid shading (bid below value) Cheating Collusion – bidders form a “ring” Unofficial auction after win, split the difference in prices Chandelier Bidding – false bids, “Off The Wall” bidding
Parrondo’s “Apparent” Paradox Two losing games, when combined, yield a winning game See “A Review of Parrondo’s Paradox”
Parrando’s Paradox: Outcomes
Links to Control Theory “Game-theoretic approaches” occur often Path-planning (LaValle, 2000) Witsenhausen problem ( Cooperative Multi-agent systems Differential Games (next time) Dynamic chases etc. Missile Defense Airplane Safety
Witsenhausen Counterexample Proposed in 1968 Numerically solved in 2001 See 2 papers in references
Learning approach A distributed algorithm designed to find Nash Equilibria in games 2009 Paper Formulate problem as a potential game and use a learning algorithm to find an efficient controller Fading memory joint strategy fictitious play (JSFP) with inertia)
Game Theory in the News 2008-Freakonomics analyses the game theory behind Beauty and the Geek 2008-Freakonomics analyses the game theory behind Beauty and the Geek Why cooperative and competitive behavior does not die out as species evolve Why cooperative and competitive behavior does not die out as species evolve Game theory gives hope to global warming solutions Game theory gives hope to global warming solutions Newer concepts: Quantum game theory
References “A Review of Parrondo’s Paradox” G. Harmer and D. Abbott, 2002 “Learning Approaches to the Witsenhausen Counterexample from a View of Potential Games” Li et al. In submission 2009 “Review of the Witsenhausen Problem” Ho et al Books “Game Theory and Strategy” – Peter Straffin “Game Theory” – Petrosjan and Zenkevich