Assignment I EDT 347
WMU Beautification project Lee Honor’s College Welcome Banners Fountain Plaza Incorporation of more art
Lee Honors College John Houdek and his wife Carolyn Provided the landscaping for this building. The Landscaping consisted of a Perennial garden. After this project was complete, it motivated Houdek to begin a beautification project campus wide.
Welcome Banners Houdek thought that this beautification project was important to the university. Welcome banners were installed in the school colors of brown and gold.
Revitalization of the Fountain Plaza One of the steps in the beautification project was the revitalization of the Fountain Plaza between Miller Auditorium and the Dalton Center.
Incorporation of more art Houdek also wanted to incorporate more art onto the Western Michigan University Campus. The Mammoth Mural Relief was built. It consists of 182 handmade clay tiles. The location of the relief is at the entrance of Knauss Hall Space Gallery.
Question Slide How many tiles compose the Mammoth Mural Relief?
Wrong Answer Slide Sorry, that was the incorrect answer. Click here to return to the question. Click here to return to the beginning of the slide show.Click here to return to the beginning of the slide show.
Correct answer slide YOU ARE CORRECT! There are 182 tiles in the Mammoth Mural Relief! Go to bio Slide
Bio Slide Prepared By Clarissa Lolmaugh Clarissa is in her second year at Western. She attended South Western Michigan College for two years prior to coming to WMU, and plans on pre-interning in the Spring of 2005 for her early childhood degree.
Bibliography All the information from this slide show can be found in the following resource: Massie, Larry B,Brown and Gold Memories Western Michigan Universities First Century,2003, p215. Return to beginning of slide show