Meet the characters! King Bugs. Queen Lola. Wise Granny Blinks. Knights. Daffy duck. Tweety & Sylvester. Road runner.
Chapter 1 Once upon a time there lived a proud King and Queen.They lived in a castle on the big hill in Loony Toon Land. One day a dragon entered the land. “We must go and see Wise Granny Blinks,”said King Bugs. He jumped on his horse,Stardust, and rode down the hill into the town, down the lane to Granny Blinks hut. “Wise Granny Blinks, a dragon has entered the land, what are we to do?”,said King Bugs desperately. “You must fight him”,she said tiredly,as Tweety began to sing.
Chapter 2 As soon as King Bugs got home he went and told Queen Lola the bad news. “We must get our knights together the fight this horrid dragon”,she said. So he started to gather knights willing to fight the evil dragon. Soon he had enough knights and, among these brave knights Were Sylvester, Road runner, Daffy Duck, Mickey Mouse and many more brave souls. The day to fight the evil dragon soon came. All the knights were armed with swords and shields. “The time has come, my people,”said King Bugs. “ATTACK!”
Chapter 3 The battle raged for many days. It was dark and horrific. But in the end it was the toons that won. And to great victory. As the dragon flew back to it’s own land,defeated, to the great cheers of the toons, King Bugs knew it was a day to remember.
The End! That’s all folks!