My Philosophy of Teaching and Learning Prof. Harmon
ENDEAVOR A mountain is moved one stone at a time You run a mile one stride at a time As the Instructor, I endeavor to contribute daily, to post to the discussion board, to send an response, or to update to the website As a student I encourage you to click into the website everyday, to participate in some fashion every day. Don't wait until 2 hours before the assignment is due
SEEK PERFECTION If something is worth doing, it is worth doing right This is not rocket science, How you do in this course will depend on how much you put into it As the instructor, During the semester I'm on a mission to be the best online instructor, to respond the quickest, the earliest in the morning, the latest in the evening
RESPECT This is a great University with a strong tradition of ethical behavior, of courage and of humanity Over the semester as a class we will have lots of interactions, Interactions: in the discussion board, interactions in Over the semester we will have many assessments: proctored and unproctored, individual and group effort Throughout we need to respect each other, and respect our values of ethical courageous and humanitatian behavior.
FOCUS Like a laser beam In the movie Stand and Deliver, the math teacher Jaime Escalante speaks of "ganas", the greek word for desire. During the semester we need to feel this passion for teaching and learning and to focus it on what we do in this course
In Summary Endeavor, Seek Perfection, Respect, and Focus, that summarizes my philosophy of teaching and learning