J. Turner 1/26/06 SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics LER Steering and Optics Motivation Steering Model Preparation Hysteresis Injection Tuning.


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Presentation transcript:

J. Turner 1/26/06 SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics LER Steering and Optics Motivation Steering Model Preparation Hysteresis Injection Tuning

SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics J. Turner 1/26/06 Motivation Reduce orbit to minimize emittance. This unfortunately changes optics and degrades luminosity. To restore or repair optics from “where we are” has proven to be difficult. A clear difference to design would be useful in finding the biggest errors. So, loading a design magnet config and getting phase advance and MIA data and perhaps ORM there could be VERY illuminating.

SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics J. Turner 1/26/06 Steering SVD minimize correctors initially gets out closed bumps, reduced corrector strengths. This is done with the minimize corrector flag turned on and proportion eigen values set to 0.4 or 0.5 depending which looks better. After minimize, then steer normal SVD to zero BPMs where real misalignments occur. This was VERY successful

SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics J. Turner 1/26/06 LER orbit before and after

SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics J. Turner 1/26/06 Model Preparation 33 cm BX* by 10 mm BY* created by Yuri in MAY 2004 Magnet configuration made by Jerry Yocky (and myself)

SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics J. Turner 1/26/06 Horizontal Beta Picture of 33 by.1 lattice This slide courtesy of J. Yocky

SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics J. Turner 1/26/06 Vertical Beta Picture of 33 by.1 lattice This slide courtesy of J. Yocky

SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics J. Turner 1/26/06 Hysterisis “Knobbing to config” created problems with hysterisis which dominated injection and tune space. After restore those problems persisted...this is how we know it was hysterisis.

SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics J. Turner 1/26/06 Injection Tuning Injection was kept through the stored septum Y bump and X angle.

SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics J. Turner 1/26/06 Power supply list !TITLE=1422* 690:3.12 Design 10mm BY* 33cm BX* jt/jy PRIM MICR UNIT SECN ALIAS FILE CON DES LGPS,PR02, 312,BDES,,SCY3R LGPS,PR02, 311,BDES,,SCY3R LGPS,PR02, 310,BDES,,SCX3R LGPS,PR02, 309,BDES,,SCX3R LGPS,PR02, 308,BDES,,SCX LGPS,PR02, 307,BDES,,SCX LGPS,PR02, 306,BDES,,SCX1L LGPS,PR02, 305,BDES,,SCX2L LGPS,PR02, 210,BDES,,SK LGPS,PR02, 209,BDES,,SK LGPS,PR02, 208,BDES,,SK LGPS,PR02, 207,BDES,,SK LGPS,PR02, 206,BDES,,SK LGPS,PR02, 205,BDES,,SK2L LGPS,PR02, 204,BDES,,SK3L LGPS,PR02, 203,BDES,,SK4L

SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics J. Turner 1/26/06 Power supply list LGPS,PR02, 202,BDES,,SK5L LGPS,PR02, 201,BDES,,SK6L STEP,PR02, 3022,BDES,,SK1R STEP,PR02, 2205,BDES,,SK1L LGPS,PR02, 149,BDES,,QDS LGPS,PR02, 148,BDES,,QFS LGPS,PR02, 147,BDES,,QDS LGPS,PR02, 146,BDES,,QFS LGPS,PR02, 145,BDES,,QFS1L LGPS,PR02, 144,BDES,,QDS2L LGPS,PR02, 143,BDES,,QFS3L LGPS,PR02, 142,BDES,,QDS4L LGPS,PR02, 127,BDES,,QDBM LGPS,PR02, 126,BDES,,QFBM LGPS,PR02, 124,BDES,,QDBM LGPS,PR02, 122,BDES,,QFBM LGPS,PR02, 133,BDES,,QFCX1R LGPS,PR02, 132,BDES,,QFCX1R LGPS,PR02, 116,BDES,,QFBM1L LGPS,PR02, 115,BDES,,QDBM2L

SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics J. Turner 1/26/06 Power supply list LGPS,PR02, 114,BDES,,QDBM3L LGPS,PR02, 113,BDES,,QDBM4L LGPS,PR02, 112,BDES,,QFBM5L LGPS,PR02, 108,BDES,,QF2R LGPS,PR02, 107,BDES,,QF2L LGPS,PR02, 106,BDES,,QDB1R LGPS,PR02, 105,BDES,,QFB1R LGPS,PR02, 104,BDES,,QFB1R LGPS,PR02, 103,BDES,,QDB1R LGPS,PR04, 314,BDES,,SCX4R LGPS,PR04, 214,BDES,,SKG LGPS,PR04, 213,BDES,,SKG LGPS,PR03, 179,BDES,,QFP3R LGPS,PR03, 177,BDES,,QFP5R LGPS,PR03, 176,BDES,,QDP6R LGPS,PR03, 175,BDES,,QFP7R LGPS,PR03, 174,BDES,,QDP8R LGPS,PR03, 173,BDES,,QFP9R LGPS,PR04, 172,BDES,,QFPR LGPS,PR04, 171,BDES,,QDPR

SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics J. Turner 1/26/06 Power supply list LGPS,PR06, 199,BDES,,QFW LGPS,PR06, 198,BDES,,QDW LGPS,PR06, 197,BDES,,QFW LGPS,PR06, 196,BDES,,QFW LGPS,PR06, 194,BDES,,QFW LGPS,PR06, 193,BDES,,QFW LGPS,PR06, 192,BDES,,QDW LGPS,PR08, 304,BDES,,SF LGPS,PR08, 303,BDES,,SF1 C LGPS,PR08, 302,BDES,,SD2 C LGPS,PR08, 301,BDES,,SD1 C LGPS,PR08, 184,BDES,,QDI LGPS,PR08, 183,BDES,,QFI LGPS,PR08, 182,BDES,,QDOI LGPS,PR08, 181,BDES,,QFOI LGPS,PR12, 313,BDES,,SCX4R LGPS,PR12, 212,BDES,,SKG LGPS,PR12, 211,BDES,,SKG LGPS,PR12, 179,BDES,,QFP3R LGPS,PR12, 178,BDES,,QDP4R

SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics J. Turner 1/26/06 Power supply list LGPS,PR12, 177,BDES,,QFP5R LGPS,PR12, 176,BDES,,QDP6R LGPS,PR12, 175,BDES,,QFP7R LGPS,PR12, 174,BDES,,QDP8R LGPS,PR12, 173,BDES,,QFP9R LGPS,PR12, 172,BDES,,QFPR LGPS,PR12, 171,BDES,,QDPR

SLAC PEPII Accelerator Physics J. Turner 1/26/06 Conclusions Hysterisis too great for knobbing full optics (any MD in this direction need standardize) Steering solutions can be had with nearly flat orbit to be “in the green” at low currents. (here again, keeping specific as currents are raised is very difficult requiring successive shifts of expert tuning...MD)