By: Alexandra, Michelle, and Maria
How well do you know your Vocabulary words? If we were to place examples, sentences, and analogies would you still be able to recognize the vocabulary words, or do you just know their definition? Lets hope not, because this game is just about that, to test your knowledge of the words beyond the definition. The only question now is: Can you survive it?
Instructions The room will be divided into 4 groups, in other words you will be grouped by rows. You and your team will have a series of questions to answer, remember, first come first served. The one to raise their hand first gets to answer and gets the points. Just because you said the answer louder does not mean you said it first. Anyone who shouts out of line will be disqualified in the next turn. The winning group will get a prize! Just remember to play fairly and have fun
Fill in the Blank The ________ from ape to man is a process that was said to take thousands of years.
The answer is… Evolution
Context Clues Claudia has been classified as a protean actress because of her various and diverse rolls in plays such as All Shook Up, Oliver, Kaloop, and Forbidden Broadway. What is the definition for Protean?
The answer is… Versatile, Able to play many Roles.
Find the Correct Word Maya and Natalie are sisters. Natalie keeps a very neat closet and all her clothes are sorted by color. Maya’s closet, unlike her sister’s, follows no regular pattern. What would be another word to describe Maya’s closet organization?
The answer is… Sporadic
Fill in the Blank The fact that Chuck made bets, played cards, and threw dice every chance he could gave him the title of an ________ gambler.
The answer is… Inveterate
Connection to Science According to the chemistry teacher which of all metals is the most malleable? A. Iron B. Lead C. Silver D. Gold
The awnser is… D. Gold
Fill in the Blank Due to the bad economy, The price of stock has become increasingly_________. Extra: This crashing economy also has a tendancy to make people much more aggressive and _______.
The answer is… Volatile
Context Clues According to Dalton’s atomic theory, in a chemical reaction atoms can join, rearrange, but cannot transmute. What is the definition for transmute?
The answer is… To change from one form to another
Find the Right Word In order to be a good singer, lots of people hire vocal coaches since they are able to help them adjust their voices to reach certain levels, whether it would be high or low tones. What is the action the singer does while changing his tone?
The answer is… Modulate
F ill in the Blank When Shrek kisses Fiona she goes through a ___________ and becomes an Ogre instead of a beautiful princess.
The answer is… Metamorphosis
Context Clues Since there is a code of honor for the supreme court, the judge refused to let the murderer bribe him no matter how high the amount of money he was offered. The court’s verdict of him being guilty was immutable. What is the definition of immutable?
The answer is… Unchangeable