Building Emission Inventory for Regional Air Quality Modeling in China K. He1, Q. Zhang1, L. Wang1, D. Streets2, J. Fu3, J.Woo4 1Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 2Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, USA 3Uinversity of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA 4Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management, Boston, USA 2nd ICAP Workshop, Friday Center of Chapel Hill, Oct. 21-22, 2004
Occurrence Frequency of Each Pollutant as Major Pollutant of 42 Key Cities in China 2001-2004.5
Air Pollution Index (API) of SO2 in Beijing: 2000-2002
Air Pollution Index (API) of NO2 in Beijing: 2000-2002
Air Pollution Index (API) of O3 in Beijing: 2000-2002
PM2.5 sampling locations Miyun (MY) Changping (CHP) Tsinghua (THU) Chegongzhuang (ZGC) Tian’anmen Square (TAM)
Weekly Average Concentration of PM2.5 in Beijing: 1999-2003
Two Types of Emission Inventories Local Inventory Bottom-up, device based emissions Exact emission locations Less uncertainties, but Only available in limited areas Regional Inventory Top-down, sector based emissions Gridding by allocation factors More uncertainties, but Available for large areas
Building Inventory for Regional Air Quality Modeling Similar methodology with Trace-P inventory Top-down method, but technical based emissions More technical splits with sectors Embed local inventory to regional inventory
Approaches to Activity Data Statistical yearbook & database Activity data at sector level: energy balance table, industrial productions, vehicle populations, etc Technical reports and papers Technical split within sectors Energy demand model Energy consumptions by fuel, by device type
Technical Split for Coal Combustion Devices Good Efficiency Moderate Efficiency Poor Efficiency Lime
Energy Demand Model for Domestic Sector
Share of Energy Use by Device Type in Domestic Sector, Beijing Automatic Boiler HandStoker, Medium Hand Stoker, Small Stove Well developed distributed heating Change small coal boilers to natural gas Decrease of coal use in rural areas
Methodology for Transportation Sector
Approaches to Emission Factors Chemical balance Raw gas factors (SO2, Primary PM, Hg) Technical reports and papers Fuel characteristics, Operating practice, Control equipments Field measurement Final emission factors, Removal efficiency International EF database When lack of local measurement data (BC/OC, VOC)
Updated CO Emission Inventory for China 40% higher than Trace-P
Embed Local Inventory to National Inventory
Difference of Two Inventories: Total Emissions PM10 PM2.5 NOx VOC SO2 CO *: CO emission unit: 10t/y Local/Trace-P in Beijing Urban Areas: 3.1 3.9 0.8 1.5 1.6 1.9
Difference of Two Inventories: Grid Emissions Power Plants Power Plants Local Trace-P SO2 Emissions, 4km grid
Beijing Regional Modeling: O3 TRACE-P EMs Trace-P+Beijing EMs (July 4-20, 2001, episode max.) Source: Fu, 2004
Progress and Future Work CO Primary PM: TSP, PM10, PM2.5 BC/OC VOC Field measurement for PM2.5/BC/OC emission factors
Acknowledgment USEPA and SEPA IES Project GM and NSFC Dr. Carey Jiang Tsinghua University