E. Michael Saleski PPS and April 20, 2006 LCLS Personnel Protection System and Beam Containment System E. Michael Saleski.


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Presentation transcript:

E. Michael Saleski PPS and April 20, 2006 LCLS Personnel Protection System and Beam Containment System E. Michael Saleski PPS and BCS Systems Manager

E. Michael Saleski PPS and April 20, 2006 PPS and BCS Overview Roles of Personnel Systems Scope Present Status Path forward for design, review, and approval

E. Michael Saleski PPS and April 20, 2006 Personnel Roles

E. Michael Saleski PPS and April 20, 2006 PPS Scope Mixture of: New PPS Systems Existing PPS Systems with minor modifications Hutch Protection Systems (HPS) Plan to utilize PLC architecture New at SLAC, increases review burden

E. Michael Saleski PPS and April 20, 2006 PPS Scope

E. Michael Saleski PPS and April 20, 2006 LCLS Injector Vault PPS Layout

E. Michael Saleski PPS and April 20, 2006 PPS Status for Nov 2006 Injector Commissioning Injector Software development complete Hardware drawings, wiring diagrams are complete LCLS Injector PPS FDR is next week (4-27) Installation is set to begin in June Begin detailed design of downstream systems in Summer 2006

E. Michael Saleski PPS and April 20, 2006 PPS Review Path PPS Global SCR: Nov 18, 2005 Injector (linac+BSY) Informal PDR: Feb ’06 Injector (linac+BSY) FDR: April 27th RSC subcommittee: Functional Requirements Review: March 29 th RSC subcommittee: Safety Lifecycle Review: April 14 th RSC subcommittee: Technical Review: May RSC full committee: June

E. Michael Saleski PPS and April 20, 2006 BCS Scope Prevents radiation from ‘escaping’ the shielding enclosure Direct measurements of radiation or beam loss Protection of safety-critical collimators and stoppers Entirely new LCLS BCS needed New gun = new shut-off mechanisms Support two simultaneous programs (LCLS & PEP) = new set of shut-off paths Reduce mutual interference of programs as much as possible = targeted shut-offs

E. Michael Saleski PPS and April 20, 2006 BCS Modes

E. Michael Saleski PPS and April 20, 2006 BCS System Architecture

E. Michael Saleski PPS and April 20, 2006 BCS Status System Concept Review completed (2-24) System design and PDR series are progressing towards a June FDR New LCLS BCS device requirements for Injector- through-BSY operation is determined New BCS device compliment for downstream systems is currently being specified BCS Engineering Specifications Document is currently being generated (95% complete for commissioning-relevant content)

E. Michael Saleski PPS and April 20, 2006 BCS Review Path System Concept Review: Feb 24 th PDR series is underway (April-June) FDR is on track for June RSC System Review is needed; not scheduled RSC Review of BCS device compliment for Injector through BSY operations is needed; not scheduled:

E. Michael Saleski PPS and April 20, 2006 Summary PPS: heavy review schedule, but expect readiness for Fall Commissioning BCS: Conceptual design of hybrid CID/LCLS BCS is complete, including new shut-off mechanisms 2-month PDR process is initiated; FDR in July Expect readiness for Inj-to-BSY operation in November