Welcome to 2:42 They devoted themselves to Learning from the Bible Praying for the Kingdom Celebrating Jesus in Worship Sharing “The Common Life”


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to 2:42 They devoted themselves to Learning from the Bible Praying for the Kingdom Celebrating Jesus in Worship Sharing “The Common Life”

Worship: Honour and Praise Names and Characteristics of God 1.From the Prophets and Poets 2.From Israel’s history and leaders 3.From Jesus’ ministry and parables 4.From the early church’s letters etc

Worship: Telling of God’s worth The key to a good testimony: –About God –About two minutes Any offers? –God’s work in your life recently –God’s presence in struggles –God’s blessings and surprises –God-inspired new insights and challenges

Learning from Scripture: Titus 3:1-11 Background: Integrity of the messenger –Titus commended for his integrity and passion Paul’s concern: Integrity in the church –Grace-filled hearts; Grace-filled lives Connexions: Integrity today –Politicians and their “private” lives Application: Integrity- Grace and Works –Integrity as a gift to receive and put into action

Learning together: Q1: Why does Paul prioritise this specific list of identifying marks of integrity? (i.e. Why, as far as can you gather from Paul’s general concerns and his words to Titus?) Titus 3:1-11: Signs of Christian integrity –1-2 :- Submitting to all authorities –3:- Determined to grow in wise living –4-7:- Being visibly transformed by grace –8:- Devotion to do what is Good –9:- Discerning the right battles to fight –10-11:- Refusing to be polluted by divisive people

Learning together: Q2: How can we tangibly spur one another on, teaching, lovingly-rebuking and inspiring one another towards integrity of Christian character as in Titus 3:1-11 Clues: Signs of Christian integrity –1-2 :- Submitting to all authorities –3:- Determined to grow in wise living –4-7:- Being visibly transformed by grace –8:- Devotion to do what is Good –9:- Discerning the right battles to fight –10-11:- Refusing to be polluted by divisive people

Growing together: Q3: Part 1: Either (a) Which of these do you know you struggle with? Or (b) what has Titus 3:1-11 pinpointed as the thing God wants you to work on? Part 2: Who will you choose to be accountable to as you prayerfully seek this dimension of integrity? Clues: Signs of Christian integrity –1-2 :- Submitting to all authorities –3:- Determined to grow in wise living –4-7:- Being visibly transformed by grace –8:- Devotion to do what is Good –9:- Discerning the right battles to fight –10-11:- Refusing to be polluted by divisive people

Praying Together: “Those who pray together, stay together” 1. Guidelines for praying for each other: –Keep It Simple and Specific –Keep it to yourself [n.b. confidential within limits (healthy), not exclusive, personal secrecy (unhealthy)] –Keep tuned into God and his Kingdom –Keep your language Biblical and Jesus- like. –Keep tuned into the person you’re praying with

Praying Together: “Those who pray together, stay together” 2: Guidelines for intercessory prayer: –Prayers of “please, God …” –Prayers of “provisional confidence” –Prayers to see signs of God’s Kingdom –Prayers that ask God that our hearts beat in tune with his (not asking him to do OUR will). –Prayers that don’t claim secret knowledge

: Praying for people in need 2: Praying for our witness and mission 3: Praying for community needs in our town 4: Praying for needs in the wider country/world

Growing in love for one another Sharing our stories in “fellowship” –Something God did a long time ago for you –Something that represents your security in Christ when you’re in a tough place –Something encouraging / inspiring / challenging / new from: Something you’ve recently learnt from the Bible Someone who you have recently learnt from Recent answered (or semi-answered) prayer Recent experience of “Worship that connected”