Supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EHR Learning Community Forum The Four Hats of Leadership Focus on Facilitation
Welcome! Thank you for your work on the District Action Plans Focus is on improving science teaching and learning –Achieve this through implementation of the District Action Plan
2006 Learning Community Forums This year’s series is on Leadership Data collected from Summer Academies, Spring survey, and from Learning Community Forums guided our planning
Goals Four goals for Teacher Leaders this year: –Personal Growth –Teacher Leadership –Dissemination and Sustainability –Resource Utilization
Goal 1 Personal Growth Teacher Leaders will improve science teaching and learning by increasing their knowledge and use of strategies to enact the recommendations from How People Learn
Goal 2 Teacher Leadership Teacher Leaders will become consciously competent, flexible and confident in 4 aspects of leadership (facilitating, presenting, coaching, and consulting) and apply their learning to building and district level meetings as outlined in their district action plans.
Goal 3 Dissemination and Sustainability Teacher Leaders will increase the number of teachers and administrators in their school and district who are actively working to improve student learning of science through research-based methods.
Goal 4 Resource Utilization Teacher Leaders will increase their familiarity with research-based resources supporting science learning and teaching, teacher leadership, dissemination, and sustainability.
Framework for this year’s Learning Community Forums “Four Hats of Leadership” –From The Adaptive School (pgs.27 and 28) Facilitating Presenting Coaching Consulting –Today…..Facilitation!
Learner to Leader Teacher Leader Teacher as Learner Pathway to Leadership Teacher Peers Principals District Admin Teacher as Leader 150 Teachers 5000 Students 1200 Teachers 40,000 Students
What tasks to you perform or roles do you play as a Teacher Leader? Quick 3 minute individual reflection…
Four Hats of Leadership Facilitating Presenting Coaching Consulting
Facilitating Directs processes Maintains focus Supports group dialogue, planning, decision-making, or problem-solving
Presenting Extend and enrich knowledge and skills “Stance” varies –Expert –Colleague –Friend
Coaching Help others realize their own goals Develop expertise in others Move toward independence and self-directed learning
Consulting Use of specialized knowledge to address nontrivial problems Best applied where trust and commonly goals exist Translating knowledge from one situation to a new context
Think of a scene from a book or a movie where either consulting or presenting were taking place. Share this with your neighbor. What about Consulting? What about Presenting?
Where have you used one or more of these four leadership “hats”?
Use Leadership Quadrant handout Write down an example from your own experience in each quadrant Gather at least one example of each leadership approach from four different people who you haven’t yet talked to today. Process
Where are you? –Experience Level? –Comfort Level? Use NCR paper to complete self assessment. Turn in top copy Save bottom two copies for a future LCF (DON’T LOSE THEM!) Self assessment
Facilitating Who does it? What do they know? How do they succeed? See Chapter 6, “The Confident and Skilled Facilitator” for more details.
Who facilitates? Someone who… is acceptable to all group members can put their personal agenda aside for the benefit of the group
What do facilitators know? Principles of effective meetings (p 90-97) Their own styles and the ability to apply them based on group needs, rather than personal preference (p ) Characteristics and tendencies of groups (p ) Facilitation strategies and moves to manage the group (p )
How do facilitators succeed? Focus the group on clear outcomes Increase group effectiveness in honoring processes Build increased capacity of the group to manage itself
Jigsaw Reading Refer to “Jigsaw Protocol” in your binder for instructions.
Facilitation Strategies Chapter 6, The Adaptive School Practical Application of Two Strategies from The Adaptive School PMI Pluses, Minuses, Interestings D-YTD-? Done-Yet To Do-Questions
PMI page minutes In your table groups you will have about seven minutes to examine your DAP and: –Brainstorm a list of “pluses” –Brainstorm a list of “minuses” –Brainstorm a list of “interestings” Then: Select some of your ideas for analysis, problem solving, and action (8 min)
D-YTD-? Page Min. Each group member privately records: 1) D-a list of tasks done to date 2) YTD-a list of what is yet to be done 3) ?-questions about getting the work done 5 Min. Share the information in table groups. Get agreement on the next most important Yet To Do 5 Min. Report to the full District group
Great Job TLs Your choices for this afternoon: Continue refining your DAPs. Work in district groups on actions within existing plans. Use readings from this morning to help plan for a meeting. Peruse The Adaptive School and see what a rich resource it is.