Practical English (2) : Advanced Instructor: Dr. Yi-Cheng Huang Course Code: A8027330 School of Electrical and Information Time: 13:30-16:20 Date: April.


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Presentation transcript:

Practical English (2) : Advanced Instructor: Dr. Yi-Cheng Huang Course Code: A School of Electrical and Information Time: 13:30-16:20 Date: April 10, 2008

Course Description of Today 1. Important Announcement 2. Section I: Chapter 2, Unit 7 (Health: Survival at the South Pole) 3. Section II: Chapter 2, Unit 7(Health: Survival at the South Pole) 4. Section III: Review 5. Roll Call

Important Announcement 1 NETPW (網路全民英檢) National English Test in Proficiency for All on the Web 1 測驗時間: 4 月 17 號, 15:10-16:30 2 集合時間: 4 月 17 號, 14:40 (必點名) 3 集合與測驗地點:第二電腦教室 4 務必攜帶學生證或任何身份證明證件 5 目的:英語能力檢測以及作為二年級英語聽 講實習課分班之依據 6 4 月 9 號或 10 號之後,通識中心網頁上會有 網路全民英檢的模擬題庫,學生題庫的密碼 為「 best123 」,屆時便可上線做練習。

Important Announcement 2 The Activities of the “ English Community Center ” Please refer to the following websites: 1 ( php?dept_mno=84201&dept_id=14&page_i d=4429) php?dept_mno=84201&dept_id=14&page_i d=

Important Announcement 3 About Your Mid-Term Exam Date: April 24 1 Translation 2 Vocabulary 3 Choice (including reading comprehension) 4 Fill in the Blanks 5 * Reading Test 6 * Short Answer

Paragraph 1: Vocabulary 1 Antarctica,South Pole, Arctic, North Pole 2 cargo jet 3 crate (n): a crate is a large box used for transporting or storing things 4 minus, plus 5 barrel: a. a barrel is a large, round container for liquids or food; b. in the oil industry, a barrel is a unit of measurement equal to 159 litres; c. the barrel of a gun is the tube through which the bullet moves when the gun is fired 6 frantically (adv.): in a very rushed manner, frenziedly

Paragraph 2: Vocabulary 1 The Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station is the southernmost continually inhabited place on the planet. Its name honors Roald Amundsen who reached the South Pole in 1911, and Robert F. Scott who reached the South Pole in 1912.Roald AmundsenRobert F. Scott 2 grateful (adj.): thankful 3 reckless (adj.): doing something dangerous without thinking 4 undertake (v): to accept and begin work on something usually large and serious

The Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station

Paragraph 3 and 4: Vocabulary 1 demanding (adj.): a. a demanding job or task requires a lot of your time, energy, or attention; b. people who are demanding are not easily satisfied or pleased 2 intrigued (adj.): if you are intrigued by something, it interests you and you are curious about it 3 shack (n): an old or flimsy hut built from tin, wood or other materials

Paragraph 4: Vocabulary 4 double as (v): if a person or thing doubles as someone or something else, they have a second job or purpose as well as their main one 5 onset (n): the onset of something is the beginning of it, used especially to refer to something unpleasant 6 lump (n): a lump on or in someone ’ s body is a small, hard swelling that has been caused by an injury or an illness 7 innocuous (adj.): harmless

Paragraph 5: Vocabulary 1 tumor (n): a growth of diseased tissue 2 colleague (n): your colleagues are the people you work with, especially in a professional job 3 supervisor (n): a person who supervises others and their work 4 initial (adj.): beginning, first 5 numb (v): if cold weather, a drug, a blow or something numbs a part of your body, you can no longer feel anything in it. 6 draw out (v): to extract 7 cancer, cancerous

Paragraph 6, 7 and 8 1 rely on (v): if you rely on someone or something, you need them and depend on them in order to live or work properly 2 emotion, emotional 3 shrink, shrank (v): if something shrinks or something else shrinks it, it becomes smaller 4 dramatic, dramatically: a dramatic change or event happens suddenly and is very noticeable and surprising

Paragraph 6, 7 and 8 5 ailing (adj.): if someone is ailing, they are ill and are not getting better *ail (v): if something ails someone, they are ill (an old fashion use) ex: what ails you? *ailment (n): an ailment is an illness, especially one that is not very serious 6 physician (n): a physician is a doctor

Vocabulary (p.113) * The prefix “ over ” can mean “ too much ” or “ more ” * The prefix “ under ” can mean “ too little ” or “ beneath ” 1 overcook, overcome, overdue, overtime 2 understaffed, underground, underwear 3 overpower, overwork, overflow 4 underweight, underpay, underline

Assignment for Next Week I ’ ll Meet You in the Second Computer Classroom at 14:40 Next Thursday (April 17). Please Be on Time Please Be Well-Prepared for Your Mid- Term Exam (April 24)

Please Contact Me via the Following Ways Website: Office: 1406A (4 th Floor, Administration Building) Extension: 5252 Office Hour: Tuesday: 2,3,4 and 5; Wednesday: 2, 3, 4 and 5 ( By Appointment )