Basic resources and strategies for legal research Davida Scharf, SoM Librarian Heather Dalal, Information Literacy Librarian NJIT Van Houten Library Last updated Fall
Facts of the Case & Part I Suppose college officials knew that there has been a number of assaults on or attempted rapes of female students in a certain area on campus, where a stairway was hidden by foliage and trees. Suppose they chose not to publicize these incidents and had not warned students in any way. Then another attack occurred, and the male assailant used a modus operandi similar to the one that had been used previously on the same stairway. In view of these circumstances, from the standpoint of law, and of ethics, evaluate and answer the following questions: On what legal provisions can the victim base his lawsuit? Is he likely to win? How much responsibility should a college have to protect its students from crime? Check: Peterson v. San Francisco Community College District, 685 P.2d 1193 (Calif. 1984) Can you find this case using Lexis-Nexis?
Research – Part 2 1) Is there a trend for or against holding them legal responsible? 2) What are the arguments pro and con?
Research – Part 2 1) Is there a trend for or against holding them legal responsible? Who are the parties? What is the issue? Who was liable? What year was the Peterson case resolved? (Appeals?) What are the arguments of each party? How many cases must you read to see a trend? Has anybody already synthesized this? 2) What are the arguments pro and con? What were the outcomes? On what arguments were they based?
Break it down! You will need to: 1. Find the ‘Peterson’ case & read it What was the outcome? On what legal arguments was it based? 2. Use it to find more recent similar cases & read them 3. Find out what else has been written on the issues 4. Analyze your findings for 1) trends and 2) arguments 5. Cite your sources correctly
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Results for Peterson v. SF CCD Here is the citation you were given 1983 decision was superseded
Understand the parts of the full case document DOCUMENT HEADINGS Disposition – how was it resolved- who won Procedural posture – Overview Outcome Torts Summary Opinion Look up words you don’t know !
Understand the parts of the full case document the law on which the suit was based complete document Full citation for the document 4 different addresses for the same document; only one is required Sometimes just the address is also called a ‘citation’.
1. Use the automatic citation generator inside Lexis-Nexis 2. Copy the proper citation for the case—make sure all the elements are there.
Scroll down to CASE HEADINGS for ideas for keywords to find similar cases CORE TERMS are prominent legal and factual terms taken directly from the opinion HEADNOTES (HN1 … HN26) are key legal points of a case drawn directly from the language of the court. Click on the HN# to see the reference.
To understand trends... find cases that cite this one-- Shepardize When you Shepardize® a case, LexisNexis provides a report showing every opinion where that case has been referenced, all treatments of the case, and, most importantly, whether or not the case is "good law." If the case has been overruled, it is considered "bad law" and may no longer be cited as a legal precedent.
Shepard’s Summary For HELP on Shepardizing see citing decisions Scroll down for cases that cited yours Positive/Negative analysis
Elements of a legal citation What? What is the thing cited, a case, a statute, a law review article, etc.? Where? Where can the reader go to find the information? e.g. 617 F. Supp. 341 When? When did this information come into being? Usually the date is given as a year but sometimes more specific information is required. Who? Who is the author of the information? A court? A legislature? A law student? Source: Handout on Legal Citation, Northeastern University, School of Law, Library
Case Citations A complete case citation has four elements 1. PARTIES The parties' names 2. ADDRESS At least one ID or address for the case 3. DATE 4. COURT Pay attention to formatting and details (e.g. italics, brackets, abbreviations, etc.)
Peterson v. San Francisco Community College District, 685 P.2d 1193 (Calif. 1984) How to read a case citation Pacific Reporter 2nd series (abbreviation) 1. WHO are the parties? Volume No. Starting Page # State court 2.WHERE can the reader go to find the case? (The “reporters” are the books where the legal decisions are published.) 4. WHO is the author of the information? The court. 3. WHEN=Year
More Sources of Legal Information Cases [Primary sources] Law reviews and journals [Secondary sources] What is the difference between primary and secondary sources?
Law Reviews and Journals (Secondary) Law Reviews A law review is a scholarly journal focusing on legal issues, normally published by an organization of students at a law school or through a bar association (e.g. Harvard Law Review, NYU Law Review) Law Journals (Peer-reviewed or scholarly) Feature articles written by researchers and practitioners. Recognized researchers in the field will evaluate a manuscript and recommend its publication, revision, or rejection. (e.g. Journal of Law and Health)
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Sample article from Law Review Cite this source: Author, Title, Volume #, Journal Name, Page #, (Year) Griffaton, Michael C., Forewarned is Forearmed: The Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 and the Future of Institutional Liability for Student Victimization, 43 Case W. Res. 525 (1993). Cases may be embedded in the text. Law Review articles should be footnotes or endnotes.
Find relevant info, click on the in-text reference… n341
It links to the footnote reference n341
…which links you to full text of case
Case Law and Case Reporters (Primary) In the United States, opinions and decisions of federal and state courts create precedent which is binding on other courts; therefore, many of the opinions and decisions of these courts are published. Source: BU Law Library
When to quit searching for new cases… Did the courts continue to side with the victim (plaintiff) rather than the institution (defendant)? Were the conditions similar? Look for a few of the most current cases Sample the 2000’s Sample the 1990’s What happened immediately following the case – 1980s? Try other states? Compare to NJ? Do you need to look at cases older than Peterson?... Until you feel you understand whether or not the tide turned. YOU MUST READ MORE CASES THAN YOU CITE
Online Legal Citation Guides William and Mary citation/index.php Including list of Reporter abbreviations citation/index.php#Reporter_Abbreviations Cornell
Rutgers Research Guides – Law* Federal Government Information Resources Federal Government Information Resources by Stephanie Bartz - last updated on Sep 21st, 2010 Links to online resources and starting points for research.Stephanie Bartz International and Foreign Governments International and Foreign Governments by Stephanie Bartz - last updated on Sep 15th, 2010Stephanie Bartz Law Law by Paul Axel-Lute - last updated on Sep 12th, 2010 Selected resources for legal and law-related research.Paul Axel-Lute New Jersey State and Local Governments New Jersey State and Local Governments by Stephanie Bartz, Mary Fetzer - last updated on Sep 16th, 2010 Links to websites and online resources for researching information from New Jersey state and local government.Stephanie BartzMary Fetzer United Nations and United Nations Organizations United Nations and United Nations Organizations by Stephanie Bartz, Mary Fetzer - last updated on Sep 15th, 2010Stephanie BartzMary Fetzer *
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