Departmental Survey: Overview of Results 26 Feb 2009
Statistics – Staff that Participated 93/129 Academic staff 62% 70/202 Research Associates 35% 20/31 Administration 65% 18/40 Technical 45%
Motivated to do my job well? Positive Outcomes Treated with respect?Good cooperation within groups? Intellectually stimulated by work environment?
Areas that need to be addressed Sufficiently involved in departmental decisions that affect me? Good research linkage between groups? Sufficiently informed about promotion, increments and bonus reviews? Training and Development Opportunities
Areas specific to particular job roles Technical staff: Feel their achievements are not recognised Feel removed from the departmental decision making processes Raise concerns about the speed with which health and safely issues are dealt with Actions: Work on producing a web site on the workshop achievements Include work shop projects in the annual Review Technical staff to report at Staff Meetings Safety Issues will obviously be looked into in more detail
Areas specific to particular job roles Research staff: Would like training in people, project and resource management Would like to see a more formal mentoring process in place Feel removed from departmental decision making processes Do not express strong support for the PDRP Actions Formation of the Departmental RA committee who will report to HoGs Appointment of RAs on the Juno committee Specific training to be identified and arranged through HR for departmental RAs
Areas specific to particular job roles Administrative Staff: Would like more training in interpersonal communication Would like to see a more formal mentoring process in place for admin staff Actions Setting up training Setting up mentoring scheme
Areas specific to particular job roles Academic staff: Would like training in leadership and people management Would like to see a more formal mentoring process in place Would like to be better informed about Faculty finances Not fully aware of the promotion process Do not use the web to stay informed Actions Set up training Set up mentoring Make sure the promotion process is better publicised Send s when new material is posted to web sites
General suggested follow up actions Representatives from each staff group (RA, Tech and Admin) to attend staff meetings to enhance communication and involvement in departmental matters. Organisation of HR staff development training courses specific to departmental groups Mentoring scheme to be developed with wide consultation across the department.