Official release of STATISTICAL TOOLS An Overview of Common Applications in Social Sciences Manfred te Grotenhuis Theo van der Weegen
Presentation has three parts: - Brief history of the project (the making of Statistical Tools) - Overview of contents (what is inside the toolbox) - How to use Statistical Tools (teacher’s point of view)
Brief history of the project - In 1997 I started as a PhD student to teach statistics * <50% passed the exams * Emphasis on formulas, calculations (by hand) * The book ‘ Statistics’ - In 2002 I took over several courses in Statistics * Emphasis shifted to practical applications * >85% passed while course load increased - In 2004 the first textbook was released about SPSS * Basic course in SPSS, 15,000 copies sold - In 2007 the second textbook was released about SPSS * SPSS using Syntax, programming in SPSS (second edition in 2009)
Brief History (continued) -In 2008 ‘Statistiek als hulpmiddel’ was released: a result of 10 years of teaching statistics to students in the Social Sciences -Beginning of 2009, Prof. Hans Schmeets ask for a English version -Problem I: convince publisher (Van Gorcum) * price of the book * number of sales per year * costs for translating the book -Problem II: time table: book had to be ready end of September (which meant that we had to deliver a ready to print manuscript end of July)!
Brief history (continued) Plan: 1) Translation of headers, figures, tables, index by authors 2) Let PhD student do a first translation Dutch English 3) Corrections made by authors 4) Corrections by native speaker 5) Send manuscript to a panel of reviewers 6) Revise. Note that steps 2 to 6 were conducted per chapter to save time! Start end of February, finished end of July (5 months)
STATISTICAL TOOLS: Contents CHAPTER 1: STATISTICAL DATA 1.1Introduction 1.2Four Levels of Measurement ( nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio) 1.3 Selecting Units of Analysis: Random Sampling 1.4Collecting Statistical Data (Survey, Experiment, Observation, Secondary Data) 1.5 Data Quality (Validity, Reliability, Representativity, Missing Data) 1.6 From Collecting Data to Answering Research Questions
CHAPTER 2: Descriptive Statistics 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Graphical Description of a Single Variable (Bar, Pie, Histogram) 2.3 Numerical Description of a Single Variable 2.3.1Measures of Central Tendency (Mode, Median, Mean) 2.3.2Measures of Variability (Range, IQR, Outliers, variance, Std. Deviation) 2.3.3Measures of Relative Standing (Percentiles, Z-scores, Empirical Rule) 2.4Statistical Relations between Two Variables 2.4.1Graphical Description of a Bivariate Relation (Box Plot, Scatter Plot, Line Graph) 2.5Summary
CHAPTER 3: Inferential Statistics 3.1Introduction to Statistical Inference (Central Limit Theorem, CI, Test Hypotheses) 3.2One-Sample tests 3.2.1Test for a mean 3.2.2Test for a proportion 3.3Tests for Comparing Two Means 3.3.1Paired Samples T-test (two dependent groups) 3.3.2Two-Sample T-test (two independent groups) 3.3.3Analysis of Variance (> 2 independent groups )
CHAPTER 3: Inferential Statistics (continued) 3.4Measures of Association for Nominal/Ordinal Variables 3.4.1Associations in Contingency Tables Percentages 3.4.2Measures of Association for Nominal Variables Chi-Square Test and Cramér's V 3.4.3Measures of Association for Ordinal Variables Kendall's Rank Correlation: Tau b and Tau c Spearman's Rank Correlation 3.5Measures of Association for Interval/Ratio Variables 3.5.1Pearson's Correlation Coefficient 3.5.2Linear Regression Analysis 3.5.3Odds Ratio
CHAPTER 3: Inferential Statistics (continued) 3.6Multivariate Analysis (>1 indep. variable, 1 dep. var) 3.6.1Five Different Causal Multivariate Models Mediation Spuriousness Partial Mediation / Partial Spuriousness Suppression Moderation / Interaction 3.6.2Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Modeling Interval and Ratio Predictor Variables Modeling Ordinal and Nominal Predictor Variables Linear Regression Analysis: Assumptions 3.7Summary Index Notes
How the use the Toolbox? (from a teacher’s point of view) The Book: - Text,Tables, Figures - Example mean.dfExample - Example standard deviation.pdfExample - Example tough one pdfExample The examples in the book were chosen from a database of examples we collected and presented during the last ten years. The Internet: - The exercises (example internet / examples on usb)example internet
How the use the Toolbox? (from a teacher’s point of view) We need 11 meetings to address everything in the book (4 on descriptive statistics / 7 on inferential statistics) -In each meeting 60 minutes are related to the text, figures and tables, and 30 minutes to the exercises
Official release of STATISTICAL TOOLS The End QUESTIONS and/or REMARKS?