Data Communication and Networks Lecture 0 Administrivia September 8, 2005
Adminstrivia You must be registered in G to receive a grade How to reach me: Office hours: Thursdays 6:00 – 6:50 (please make an appointment!)
Class Mailing List All students should register themselves with the class list, which is used for all technical discussions concerning the course. To register, go to the following web page, and follow the instructions: You will be notified in return that you are a list participant. Please send all of your questions to this list (not to the instructor) so that everyone can participate.
Computer Accounts Students that do not already have a CIMS Sun network account should apply for one as follows: Send to with CIMS Account Request as the subject. In the body of the message, type: oName oStudent ID number (assigned NYU SID) oDepartment oDegree Program oCourse numbers of courses you have already registered for. Solaris Machines: courses1, courses2, courses3
Grading No Examinations! Assignments will require that you write programs or program fragments and answer some questions about the assignment. Assignments will be assigned a fractional weight a (percentage) of the final grade. We will grade your programs somewhat subjectively. You must do more than “get the right answer” to earn full credit. For example, we will look at your program structure and mechanisms and deduct if you write terribly inefficient code (poor data structures, excessive memory use, etc).
Grading Schedule Grades will be given according to the following schedule: A A B B B C C C
Rules for Working on Assignments All assignments must be done individually (see Cheating below). Unless stated otherwise in the assignment, all writing and coding must be original. All assignments must be ed to the appropriate grader. To avoid problems with "lost s" ("the Internet ate my homework") you should save a copy of your (not simply the assignment itself).
Cheating Policy You should NOT 1.Copy any part of another student's homework answers. 2.Allow another student to copy your homework. 3.Copy any part of code found in a book, magazine, the Internet, or other resource. Present the work of another as your own. If you use the idea of another in your work, you MUST provide appropriate attribution (that is, cite the work and the author). –The penalty for first cheating offense will be a grade of F for the course.
How to hand in Assignments + Late Assignments Homework problems must be submitted by to the designated grader. Please include –Your name –Your SID –Assignment number (1, 2, …) Homework may be submitted up to one week late, but will receive a 10% penalty. NO credit will be given for ANY assignment submitted later than one week from the due date. Since we will go over the assignment in class.
Books Required texts –William Stallings, Data & Computer Communications Seventh Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003, ISBN Recommended texts –James Kurose and Keith Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, 2 nd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2003, ISBN: –Douglas Comer, Computer Networks And Internets with Internet Applications, 3 rd Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN –Comer, D.E. and Stevens, D.L. Internetworking with TCP/IP: Volume III: Client-Server Programming and Applications, BSD socket version, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN X, 1996.
What We Will Cover Protocol Architecture (OSI and Internet) Data Structures (FSM, Queues, Ring Buffers) Socket Programming Data Encoding and Transmission, Error Detection Data Link Control Performance Issues Packet Switching Congestion Control and Flow Control Methods Internet Protocols (IP, ARP, UDP, TCP) Network (packet) Routing Algorithms (OSPF, Distance Vector) Multimedia and P2P protocols