1 Genetic algorithm approach on multi-criteria minimum spanning tree problem Kuo-Hsien Chuang 2009/01/06
2 Introduction Minimum Spanning Tree to find a least cost spanning tree many efficient polynomial-time algorithms
3 Introduction Multi-criteria Minimum Spanning Tree Multiple objectives Pareto optimal solutions
4 Problem description G = (V, E) V = {v 1, v 2, … v n }, E = {e 1, e 2 … e m } Each edge has p attributes Wi = {W 1i, W 2i … W pi } X = {x 1, x 2, … x m },
5 Problem description Multi-objective
6 Multiple criteria decision making
Methods of objective weighting 9
Multiple criteria decision making Method of Pareto optimal enumeration 10
GA approach n vertices, n 的 (n-2) 次方種 tree Chromosome representation Prufer number a permutation of n-2 digits 11
GA approach Prufer number 12
GA approach Crossover and mutation Uniform crossover 13
GA approach mutation 14
GA approach Evaluation and selection Evaluation for Strategy I Evaluation for Strategy II 15
GA approach Evaluation for Strategy I (μ+λ)selection in evolution strategy 16
GA approach Evaluation for Strategy II 17
GA approach 18
GA approach mc-MST genetic algorithm 19
GA approach 20
Experiment tested on five numerical examples of the 10-vertex to 50-vertex 21
Experiment 22
Experiment 23
Experiment According to the preference of decision maker, the proposed GA approach can obtain all Pareto optimal solutions close to the ideal point or produce a set of solutions distributed along the whole Pareto frontier. Although this paper has only dealt with the classical MST problem with multi-criteria, it is easy to extend the proposed method to solve those degree-constrained MST, stochastic MST, probabilistic MSTand quadratic MST problems with multi-criteria. 24