STAR Heavy Quark Physics Huan Zhong Huang and Thomas Ullrich For the Heavy Quark Working Group STAR Collaboration Meeting Feb 25-Mar 1, 2003 Brookhaven.


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Presentation transcript:

STAR Heavy Quark Physics Huan Zhong Huang and Thomas Ullrich For the Heavy Quark Working Group STAR Collaboration Meeting Feb 25-Mar 1, 2003 Brookhaven National Laboratory

Broad Physics Program Open Charm (and Beauty?): 1) Constrain the gluon structure function of the colliding nuclei through the g+g  c+cbar process, 2) Empirical parton flux normalization for quarkoniums, 3) Charm quark evolution dynamics in the partonic state transverse radial flow, elliptic flow (?) 4) Charm at high p T, is there a ‘dead cone’ effect? Quarkonium: 1) Production dynamics from bulk quark matter increased (coalescence) or suppressed (melting)? 2) Possible color screening dynamics in color medium (and no screening for  family?) And Many More ! STAR system is not yet optimized for heavy quark physics !

STAR Future Detectors Dear to Heavy Quark Physics 1)Full Barrel EMC Greatly enhance the quarkonium capability 2) Full TOF Barrel (STAR TOF Proposal) Will allow STAR to explore open charm physics using event-mixing technique 3) MicroVertex Detector (H. Wieman et al) Full exploration of charm physics program

STAR will be charmer than PHENIX on charm physics Direct Decay electrons PHENIX STAR Fig: S. Batsouli nucl-th/

Short Term Effort (relevant for d+Au and next year Au+Au) 1)L0/L2 Trigger for J/  enhancement (Manuel, Thomas, + Trigger Group--Hank, Falk, Zoran + DAQ—Tonka, Jeff L.) Manuel’s talk 2) Electron PID using EMC-TPC for offline analyses 3) Explore open charm possibility (d+Au) 4) L0/L2/L3 for Au+Au (Next year Au+Au run may be our best hope for a solid measurement)

Parallel Session: Thursday 9:00-12:00 Room 2-78 and Subscribe to the heavy quark hypernews