1 Construction of Index: (Page 197) Objective: Given a document, find the number of occurrences of each word in the document. Example: Computer Science.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Construction of Index: (Page 197) Objective: Given a document, find the number of occurrences of each word in the document. Example: Computer Science students know computers and computer languages. Keywords: computer, computers, science, students, know, and, languages.

2 Linear time algorithm: Let T be the text, |T| the length of T. We can find the occurrences of each word in T in O(|T|) time.

3 Constructing an automaton: onk scienc tupmoc l na egaugna edutn sr e s w d s t e

4 Remarks: There is a final state for each word. There is a counter on each final state storing the number of occurrences that the final state is reached. While reading, the algorithm creates new states for the new word. For words having met before, we just go through the corresponding states. When the final state is read, add 1 to the counter.

5 Assignment one (due in week 6 on Monday, 9:20 pm) Write a program to convert a text into a vector such that each element of the vector is the number of occurrences of the corresponding keyword. Marking Scheme: 100 % if using the linear time algorithm 20% if using O(nm) time, where n is the length of the text and m the number of words in the document A report describing the program is required. –A flow chart of the program is required. –Specification of each function –Comments for codes.

6 Remarks: The following part might be hard for you. However, it is useful and no other part in the course is harder than this part.

7 String Matching The problem: Input: a text T (very long string) and a pattern P (short string). Output: the index in T where a copy of P begins.

8 Some Notations and Terminologies |P| and |T|: the lengths of P and T. P[i]: the i-th letter of P. Prefix of P: a substring of P starting with P[1]. P[1..i]: the prefix containing the first i letters of P. suffix of P[1..i]: a substring of P[1..i] ending at P[i], e.g. P[3..i], P[5..i] (i>4).

9 Straightforward method Basic idea: 1. i=1; 2. Start with T[i] and match P with T[i],T[i+1],... T[i+|P|-1] 3. whenever a mismatch is found, i=i+1 and goto 2 until i+|P|-1<|T|. Example 1: T=ABABABCCA and P=ABABC P: ABABC A ABABC | | | T: ABABABCCA ABABABCCA ABABABCCA

10 Analysis Step 2 takes O(|P|) comparisons in the worst case. Step 2 could be repeated O(|T|) times. Total running time is O(|T||P|).

11 Knuth-Morris-Pratt Method (linear time algorithm) A better idea In step 3, when there is a mismatch we move forward one position (i=i+1). We may move more than one position at a time when a mismatch occurs. (carefully study the pattern P). For example: P: ABABC ABA T: ABABABCCA ABABABCCA

12 Questions: How to decide how many positions we should jump when a mismatch occurs? How much we can benefit? O(|T|+|P|). Example 2: P: abcabcabcaa | T: abcabcabcabcaa | abcabcab back here

13 We can move forward more than one position. Reason? Study of Pattern P P[1..7] abcabca P[1..10] abcabcabca P[1..7] abcabca P[1..4] abca P[1..7] is the longest prefix that is also a suffix of P[1..10]. P[1..4] is a prefix that is a suffix of P[1..10], but not the longest. Hint: When mismatch occurs at P[i+1], we want to find the longest prefix of P[1..i] which is also a suffix of P[1..i]. Suffix of P is a substring of P ending at the last position of P.

14 Failure function f(i) is the largest r with (r<i) such that P[1] P[2]...P[r] = P[i-r+1]P[i-r+2],..., P[i]. Prefix of length r Suffix of P[1]P[2]…P[i] of length r That is, P[1,f(i)] is the longest prefix that is a suffix of P[1..i]. Example 3: P=ababaccc and i=5. P[1] P[2] P[3] a b a a b a b a P[3] P[4] P[5] (r=3) f(5)=3.

15 Example 4: P=abcabbabcabbaa It is easy to verify that f(1)=0, f(2)=0, f(3)=0, f(4)=1, f(5)=2, f(6)=0, f(7)=1, f(8)=2, f(9)=3, f(10)=4, f(11)=5, f(12)=6, f(13)=7, f(14)=1.

16 The Scan Algorithm (draw a figure to show) i: indicates that T[i] is the next character in T to be compared with the head of the pattern. q: indicates that P[q+1] is the next character in P to be compared with T[i]. 1.i=1 and q=0; 2.Compare T[i] with P[q+1] case 1: T[i]==P[q+1] i=i+1;q=q+1; if q+1==|P| then print "P occurs at i+1-|P|" case 2: T[i]≠P[q+1] and q≠0 q=f(q); case 3: T[i]≠P[q+1] and q==0 i=i+1; 3.Repeat step2 until i==|T|.

17 Example 5: P=abcabbabcabbaa T=abcabcabbabbabcabbabcabbaa abcabb | | | abcabbabc | abc | a (i=i+1) abcabbabcabbaa (q+1=|p|) i f(i)

18 Running time complexity(hard) The running time of the scan algorithm is O(|T|). Proof: –There are two pointers i and p. –i: the next character in T to be compared. –p: the position of P[1]. (See figure below) p i P:abcabcabcaa | T:abcabcabcabcaa | P: abcabcaa p

19 Facts: 1 When a match is found, move i forward. 2 When a mismatch is found, move p forward until p and i are the same. (When p=i and a mismatch occur, move both i and p forward) From facts 1 and 2, it is easy to see that the total number of comparisons is at most 2|T|. Thus, the time complexity is O(|T|).

20 Another version of scan algorithm (code) n=|T| m=|P| q=0 for i=1 to n { while q>0 and P[q+1]≠T[i] do { q=f(q) } if P[q+1]==T[i] then q=q+1 if q==m then { print "pattern occurs at i-m+1" q=f(q) }

21 Basic idea: Case 1: f(1) is always 0. Case 2: if P[q]==P[f(q-1)+1] then f(q)=f(q-1)+1. Example: p=abcabcc f(1)=0; f(2)=0; f(3)=0; f(4)=1; f(5)=2; f(6)=3; f(7)=0; P[4]= P[f(4-1)+1], f(4)=f(4-1)+0+1=1. P[5]= P[f(5-1)+1], f(5)=f(5-1)+1=1+1=2. P[6]= P[f(6-1)+1]. F(6)=f(6-1)+1=2+1=3. Failure Function Construction

22 Case 3: if P[q]  P[f(q-1)+1] and f(q-1)≠0 then consider P[q] ?= P[f(f(q-1))+1] (Do it recursively) Case 4: if P[q]  P[f(q-1)+1] and f(q-1)==0 then f[q]=0. Consider the computation of f(7). P[4] P[1] P[7] ≠P[f(7-1)+1], P[7] ≠P[f(f(7-1))+1] c a

23 The algorithm (code) to compute failure function 1. m=|P|; 2. f(1)=0; 3. k=0; 4. for q=2 to |P| do { 5. k=f(q-1); 6. if(k>0 and P[k+1]!=P[q]) { k=f(k); goto 6; } 7. if(k>0 and P[k+1]==P[q]) { f[q]=k+1; } 8. if(k==0) { if(P[k+1]==P[q] f[q]=1; else f[q]=0; }

24 Another version 1. m=|P|; 2. f(1)=0; 3. k=0; 4. for q=2 to |P| do { 5. k=f(q-1); 6. while(k>0 and P[k+1]!=P[q]) do { 7. k=f(k); } 8. if(P[k+1]==P[q]) then k=k+1; 9. f[q]=k; }

25 Example 3: P=a b c a b c a b c a a c f(1)=0; f(2)=0; f(3)=0; f(4)=1; f(5)=2; f(6)=3; f(7)=4; f(8)=5; f(9)=6; f(10)=7; f(11)=1. (The computation of f(11) is very interesting.) Question: Do we need to compute f(12)? Yes, if you want to find ALL occurrences of P. No, if you just want to find the first occurrence of P.

26 Example: P=abaabc T=abcabcabc abcabc When a match is found at the end of P, call f(|p|). Running time complexity (Fun Part, not required) The running time of failure function construction algorithm is O(|P|). (The proof is similar to that for scan algorithm.) Total running time complexity The total complexity for failure function construction and scan algorithm is O(|P|+|T|). i f(i)

27 Linear Time Algorithm for Multiple patterns Input: a string T (very long) and a set of patterns P 1,P 2,...,P k. Output: all the occurrences of P i 's in T. Let us consider the set of patterns { he, she, his, hers }. We can construct an automata as follows:

hers i s s h e e,i,r

29 g(s,a)=s' means that at state s if the next input letter is a then the next state is s'. The states of the automata is organized column by column. Each state corresponds to a prefix of some pattern P i. F: the set of final states (dark circled) corresponding to the ends of patterns. For the starting state 0, add g(0,a)=0, if g(0,a) is originally fail.

30 Exercise: write down the g() function for the above automata. Failure function f(s) = the state for the longest prefix of some pattern P i that is a suffix of the string in the path from 0 (starting state) to s. Example: he is the longest prefix for hers that is a suffix of the string she.

31 The scan algorithm Text: T[1]T[2]...T[n] s=0; for i:=1 to n do { while g(s,T[i])=fail do s=f(s); s:=g(s,T[i]); if s is in F then return "yes"; } return "no"

32 Theorem: The scan algorithm takes O(|T|) time. Proof: Again, the two pointer argument. When a match is found, move the first pointer forward. (s:=g(s,T[i]);) When a mismatch is found (g(s,T[i])==fail), move the second pointer forward. (s=f(s);) When a final state is meet, declare the finding of a pattern. (if s is in F then return "yes";)

33 Example: i= s h e r s h i i s f(s)

34 Failure function construction Basic idea: similar to that for one pattern. for each state s of depth 1 do f(s)=0 for each depth d>=1 do for each state s d of depth d and character a such that g(s d,a)=s' do { s=f(s d ) while g(s,a)=fail do { s=f(s) } f(s')=g(s,a) }

35 g(0,c)≠fail for any possible character c. The failure function for {he, she, his, hers} is Time complexity: O(|P 1 |+|P 2 |+...+|P k |). Proof: Two pointer argument. Leave it for assignment (optional) s f(s)