1 ENGR 303I The Role of Energy in Society Instructor: Dr. Alan Weston Tel: Office: ENGR D-112B Office Hrs: M, T, W, Th 9:00 – 9:50AM TAs: Kohki Ishii: Bhanu Kaini: Course site:
2 Lecture #1 – Introduction Objective of this course Enhance your understanding of energy and how it impacts our economy, society, environment and in general, our way of life. Office hours are scheduled but best way to contact me is via . Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions to TAs or directly to me.
3 Syllabus Lecture attendance may be taken. If absences are excessive, homework will be assigned that may or may not be completed during class time. Each person will hand in their own work (which implies that if you turn someone else’s work in, none will be counted). Class/homework: 15% (2 lowest grades for lecture & discussion meetings will be dropped. A zero due to absence or non- submission doesn’t constitute a low grade) Discussion group participation: 15% Projects: 20% Midterm: 25% Final Exam: 25% Cheating & Plagiarizing are not allowed If you want a good grade, then you must attend lecture, discussion group classes and participate in projects!!!
4 Syllabus (cont’d) Text book: “Energy, Its Use and the Environment,” R. Hinrichs and M. Kleinbach, 4 th Edition Inside the cover is an INFOTRAC Access Code for many references that will help you with assignments.
5 Syllabus (cont) A typical grading scale will be used for the course – 90% - 100% A – 80% - 89% B – 70% - 79% C – 60% - 69% D – Below 60% F Rules of Common Courtesy –Please be on time (see me if there is a problem) –Leaving class early is not class participation –Please turn off or mute cell phones when entering class
6 Goals of the Course Explain the effort that is needed to produce usable energy Explain the trade-offs between ample usable energy, environmental impact, and economics Learn about different types of energy Learn some history about progression of energy use
7 General Forms of Energy Kinetic: energy associated with an object’s motion Potential: energy associated with an object’s position Chemical: energy found in, for example, foods and fossil fuels Nuclear: energy found within the atomic nucleus Thermal: energy associated with an object’s temperature & mass Light: energy produced by electromagnetic radiation Electrical: energy produced by an electrical powerplant or battery
8 Doubling Energy Usage It has been noticed that energy used has doubled approximately every 25 years (average over last 200 yrs) 1 bean represents amount of energy used in beans represent the amount of energy used in beans represent the amount of energy used in beans represent the amount of energy used in 1875 –Every time the amount of energy doubles more is needed than all the previous doubling periods combined –For example 8 is greater than = 7, which represents the total amount of energy used previous to the doubling period of 8 beans
9 Doubling Energy Usage (cont) 16 beans represent the amount of energy used in beans represent the energy used in beans represent the energy used in beans represent the energy used in beans represent the energy used in 2000 –Some would say that this means that with increasing energy use, energy production becomes increasingly difficult, as an example of the Law of Diminishing Returns. –For much of the time the increase in energy has come from developed countries such as U.S., Canada, Western Europe, Japan, etc. –The major increase in energy usage lately has been seen in developing countries such as China, India, and South American Countries
10 Reading Assignment For the most part one chapter will be covered each lecture. Your assignment will therefore be one chapter per day.
11 Major Events Midterm will be on or around July 15 th First class project will be due July 10 th Final will be either August 6 th or 7 th Second class project will be due August 3rd