 starter activity The pictures refer to new discoveries during the medical Renaissance (1500-1700) try to work out what they are.  What was the most.


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Presentation transcript:

 starter activity The pictures refer to new discoveries during the medical Renaissance (1500-1700) try to work out what they are.  What was the most significant?

New ideas & inventions New translations & new ideas Challenges to ancient texts, e.g. Vesalius challenged Galen Improved knowledge of anatomy Anthony van Leuwenhoek's microscope Spread of ideas due to printing press Blood circulated around the body & the heart was a pump Ligatures to seal wounds False limbs to replace amputated ones Turpentine could be used as an antiseptic

Did the new ideas make much of a difference?  Key words: physician v barber-surgeon predecessor obstetrics forceps Did the new ideas make much of a difference?  LOs TBAT identify old and new ideas To assess their impact on medicine in the 16th & 17th centuries

 Pair work discussion What would be the old ideas in medicine in the 16th and 17th centuries? Extension. Which of our Renaissance medical pioneers (Vesalius, Paré and Harvey) was the most traditional? Old ideas?

Old ideas Theory of the Four Humours Bleeding Cauterising Dissection was banned The Church control medical schools Women banned from becoming physicians Hot oil used to seal wounds

 Your task Read the extract from SHP. With a highlighter identify information which shows ‘Change’ and in another ‘Continuity’ in each of these areas Physicians Women healers & wise women Paracelsus Why were people so unwilling to challenge Galen? What factors caused change? eyebright

Physicians Accepted Hippocrates’ theory of 4 Humours Studied Galen & Ibn Sina Recommended patients stay health through diet and good exercise Studied Vesalius, Paré & Harvey

Women healers & wise women Used herbal remedies Lady Grace Mildmay (1552-1620) used ‘A New Herbal’ & books by Galen & Ibn Sina Kept records of treatments Men preferred not to see female healers Women banned from university Forceps invented by Peter Chamberlen (1620) could only be used by men Handbooks for midwives, e.g. ‘The Midwives’ Book’ by Mrs Jane Sharp (1671)

Paracelsus Believed God sent ‘signatures’ about how to cure illnesses Plants which looked like illnesses could cure them, e.g. ‘eyebright’ and orchids Challenged Theory of 4 Humours Burned books of Galen & Ibn Sina Used chemicals & minerals to treat illnesses, e.g. salt, sulphur & mercury

 Create a judgement line to show the extent to which the megastars improved medicine Rembrandt, ‘The Anatomy lesson of Dr Tulp’ (1632) What does this painting tell us about Renaissance medicine? What are the problems in using it as evidence?

 Your task Write a judgement on whether the Renaissance megastars helped improve medicine. Starter sentences: To a certain extent it could be argued that … However, many people resisted the new ideas. For example, …. In addition, women … To sum up, Renaissance medicine ….

 Success criteria Satisfactory Getting better Wow factor Your use of specific technical vocabulary and specific facts from your chart & notes is limited You describe some of the changes but don’t say much about the continuity of old ideas You use some technical vocabulary and factual detail You describe changes and continuity, but may forget some elements such as the impact on women You confidently use technical vocabulary and factual detail, e.g. names of individuals, works, events You evaluate the change and the continuity You consider the impact, e.g. on the training of women You sum up

 Plenary New ideas Old ideas Evidence of change Evidence of continuity On balance did the new outweigh the old? Extension. What factors helped or hindered the development of medicine in this period?

 Homework Revise for a slip test on Renaissance medicine Produce a factoid on Paracelsus (1493-1541)