Big Picture Objectives Understand the roles and responsibilities of district and school test coordinators Understand how to effectively train test administrators Understand state policies so that you can ensure secure test administration and valid test results Learn about additional resources and tools T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Training Overview Training will cover the following topics: Test Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities Test Administrator Training Accessibility Supports Test Security Smarter Balanced Administration OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences Administration ELPA Administration T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Organized into short modules Designed to be delivered to district and school staff Do’s, Don’ts, and Promising Practices Acorns for storage Clear objectives and questions for discussion Training Format T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
OAKS System Components Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) Student demographic information collected Student test settings entered Test Delivery System (TDS): TA Interface Test sessions created Students approved to test _______________ Test Delivery System (TDS): Student Interface Students log into tests Students take tests Online Reporting System (ORS) Test results reported Item Tracking System (ITS) Test questions created reviewed, and edited Questions assembled into tests T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Test administration and security training Coordinate access to OAKS System and testing data Coordinate testing logistics Coordinate student testing options Investigate and report any test improprieties to ODE DTC’s Role T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Ensure all TAs in your school are trained Ensure that all students in your school participate in required assessments Coordinate testing logistics and school- imposed test windows for your school Coordinate student testing options for students in your school Support DTCs in investigating test improprieties STC’s Role T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Ensure that all STCs and TAs: Receive annual training Read and understand the Test Administration Manual Sign assurance of test security form Disseminate ODE-issued testing updates and alerts to staff involved in state testing Respond to questions from staff using Regional Assessment support partners when necessary Ensuring All Staff Are Trained T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Module 2: TA Training Module 3: Accessibility Supports Module 4: Test Security Module 5: Smarter Balanced (required for all Smarter TAs) Module 6: OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences (required for Science, Social Sciences, and Grade 12 OAKS Retest TAs) Module 7: ELPA (required for ELPA TAs) Test Administrator Training STC T RAINING
In addition to Test Administration and Security Training, ensure that: All Braille Interface TAs in your building receive additional ODE-provided training specific to configuring the Braille Interface All Extended Assessment TAs in your building receive additional ODE-provided Qualified Trainer or Qualified Assessor training All Kindergarten Assessment TAs in your building receive separate Kindergarten Assessment Training using ODE-provided modules. Test Administrator Training (cont’d) STC T RAINING
Smarter Balanced Assessments Mathematics: grades 3 – 8 and 11 CAT and Performance Task English Language Arts: grades 3 – 8 and 11 CAT and Performance Task OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences Assessments Science: grades 5, 8, and 11 Social Sciences: grades 5, 8, and 11 (optional) English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) 1 opportunity for the following grade bands: K – 1, 2 – 3, 4 – 5, 6 – 8, and 9 – 12 Students must have LEP flag marked in the SSID system in order to access the ELPA Ensuring All Students Participate in Required Assessments T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Kindergarten Assessment Required for all students enrolled in Kindergarten OAKS Extended Assessments ELA (Reading/Writing) : 1 opportunity at Grades 3 – 8, and 11* Mathematics: 1 opportunity at Grades 3 – 8, and 11* Science: 1 opportunity at Grades 5, 8, and 11* Specialized training requirements Required Assessments (cont’d) T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Only available for students in Grade12 Available in: Math (3 opportunities) Reading (3 opportunities) Online Writing (1 opportunity) May be used to meet Essential Skills graduation requirement Important: does not impact school or district accountability T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Grade 12 OAKS Retest Opportunity
Smarter Balanced Grades 3 – 83/10 – 6/12 High School3/10 – 6/12 OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences 1/6 – 6/12 ELPA1/6 – 4/15 Extended Assessment 2/19 – 4/23 Kindergarten Assessment8/11 – 10/23 Grade 12 Retest 1/6 – 6/12 PSAT/NMSQT 10/15 or 10/18 NAEP1/26 – 3/6 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Test Schedule
Smarter Balanced Test Window Criteria: Grades 3-8 Testing shall not begin until at least sixty-six percent (66%) of a school’s annual instructional days have been completed; and Testing may continue up to and including the last day of the statewide Smarter Balanced test window Lasts for at least four calendar weeks Grade 11 Testing shall not begin until at least eighty percent (80%) of a school’s annual instructional days have been completed; and, Testing may continue up to and including the last day of the statewide Smarter Balanced test window Lasts for at least four calendar weeks (Note: Sixty-six percent of a school year occurs after the 120 th instructional day in a 180-day year, leaving a twelve-week window for grade 3-8 testing; eighty percent of a school year occurs after the 144 th instructional day in a 180-day year, leaving a seven-week window for grade 11 testing.) School-Imposed Test Windows T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences Test Window Criteria: Ends no later than the end date for the statewide test window identified in the Test Schedule Lasts for at least four calendar weeks School-imposed test windows are not permitted for the ELPA or Extended Assessments School-Imposed Test Windows T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Test Opportunities Smarter Balanced: 1 test opportunity for all students (grades 3 – 8 and grade 11) OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences: 2 test opportunities for students in grades 3 – 8 3 test opportunities for students in High School Grade 12 OAKS Retest in Math and Reading 3 test opportunities for eligible students in grade 12 Grade 12 OAKS Retest in Writing 1 test opportunity for eligible students in grade 12 ELPA: 1 test opportunity for all students T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Targeting Up Smarter Balanced Students in grades 3 – 7 may target up to a higher grade assessment Students in grades 8, 9, and 10 may not target up to the grade 11 assessment OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences Students in grades 3 – 7 may not target up to a higher grade assessment Students in grades 8, 9, and 10 may target up to the grade 11 assessment Students may not target up for the ELPA, Kindergarten Assessment, Extended Assessments, or Grade 12 OAKS Retest T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Updating Student Test Settings Student access and test settings are managed through the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) Student accounts are created and updated daily based on updates to the SSID record Student information and test settings recorded in TIDE govern which tests students can access and the accessibility options they may receive on each available test Important: Check for existing SSID record for transfer students before creating a new SSID! T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Student Information Student Information and Student Settings are combined in a single tab. Search for a group of students (e.g., by grade or school) or for an individual student (e.g., by first name, last name, or SSID) Advanced Search (new this year). Search by additional fields stored in TIDE (student settings, etc.) Once the search is complete a student table is generated T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
View/Edit Students All users can view student settings. Users can only update test settings if their role in TIDE permits. T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Student Settings ASL videos Color Choice Closed Captioning Language Glossaries/word lists Stacked Spanish translations Masking Permissive Mode Print Size Streamlined mode Suppress Score Text-to-Speech Item Types Exclusion* Print on Request* ELPA Domain Exemptions* Modification Codes Accommodations and Accommodation Codes *May only be set by the DTC (DTSA/DSA role in TIDE) T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Upload Student Settings Can Batch Upload: Accommodations American Sign Language Closed Captioning Color Choice Language Masking Non-Embedded Accommodations Non-Embedded Designated Supports Permissive Mode Print Size Streamlined Interface Suppress Score Text-to-Speech Translation (Word Lists) Cannot Batch Upload: Item Type Exclusion Print on Request ELPA Domain Exemptions T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Ensure that all school test coordinators and test administrators receive training. Incorporate ODE-provided modules when training STCs and TAs at the local level. Go beyond the ODE-provided training modules when conducting local training. Use Promising Testing Practices found online as an additional training resource. Do’s… T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Coordinate determination of appropriate assessment options for students Test format (includes Braille, English- Spanish, Extended, and targeting up) Accessibility Options Set school-imposed test schedules for Smarter Balanced, OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences, and Kindergarten Assessments Do’s (cont’d)… T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
Do not set school test schedules for Extended Assessments or the ELPA Do not extend the school test window once it is in progress or test students outside of that window …and Don’ts T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
DTC and STCs coordinate to lead training sessions using ODE-provided training modules that includes a discussion of policies found in the Test Administration Manual and allows participants to ask questions. DTC and STCs coordinate with Title III and SpEd Coordinators to identify all staff who need training (including Smarter Balanced, OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences, ELPA, Writing, Braille, Kindergarten, and Extended tests) DTC and STCs track which staff have received training and signed an Assurance Form (including substitutes) and only gives access to the OAKS System for those staff T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Promising Practices for Training
DTC and STCs develop a plan to provide “make-up” training to new hires or substitutes who will be involved in test administration. DTC and STCs coordinate to provide mini refresher trainings before the start of each testing window. T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Promising Practices for Training (cont’d)
DTC and STCs keep track of student test settings to ensure that students receive the appropriate assessment. DTC and STCs restrict students in TIDE from accessing specific tests to manage access and pace of testing opportunities. DTC and STCs track which tests are close to expiration and ensure those students complete testing before the expiration period ends. Promising Practices for Managing Student Testing T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
P OLICY C ONTACTS Derek Brown, Director of Assessment & Accountability o Essential Skills Implementation o (503) Holly Carter, Assessment Policy Analyst o Test Security and Administration Policies o (503) Jon Wiens, Manager of Reporting o Accountability and Reporting o (503) Beth LaDuca, NAEP State Coordinator o Brad Lenhardt, Extended Assessment Specialist o Accessibility & Accommodations o Alternate Assessment o (503) Kathleen Vanderwall, Manager of Test Design o Test Development o (503) Test Improprieties o Regional ESD Helpdesks: assessmenthelp
ODE will provide information through DTC listserv and Regional ESD helpdesks Regional ESDs are the best source for assessment support For questions and training, the state has been divided into three regions: Willamette ESD, Douglas ESD, and InterMountain ESD Regional ESD contact information online Regional Support Structure T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING
ODE staff contact information: Assessment and Accountability webpage: Regional ESD Helpdesk contacts: Test Administration Manual and Best Practices Guide: Accommodations Manual and Webpage: Extended Assessment Updates: Extended Assessment Manual: Promising Practices: Training Modules: Test Security Forms: T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Online Resources
DTC and STC duties cover both training and logistical aspects of testing, including test windows DTCs and STCs are the gate keepers: Track which teachers get training Don’t forget substitutes and new hires! Track which test formats students access Training resources are available: Training modules Promising Practices Best Practices Guide Regional ESDs T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING In a Nutshell
How can you ensure that Test Administrators are administering tests consistent with state and district policies? How can you ensure that students participate in all required assessments? How can you manage your local test schedule to ensure that students test at the appropriate time? Acorns for Storage T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING