Session Outline 1.Introduction 2.Profile 3.Networking 4.Competency Assessment Tool 5.Teams and Administration 6.Content Features 7.Exchange Module 8.Support 9.Doubts
If you have an account, the username and password are identical Or create a new account Login Screen
MyAiesec Tools Home Here you can find your stage description and some important tools.
Profile Here you can see and edit the basic settings of your profile. MyAiesec Tools
or Inbox Here you can check your address, and your internal messaging inbox.
MyAiesec Tools Teams Here you can manage and track the teams you are a part of.
MyAiesec Tools Groups Here you can manage and track the groups you are a part of.
MyAiesec Tools Networking Here you can see, increase and manage your personal networks on
MyAiesec Tools News Here you can get news relevant to your GN, country/territory and LC and you can browse through other entities news, too.
MyAiesec Tools Classified Here you can find others and promote your opportunities in and outside of AIESEC - for members, alumni and organisations.
MyAiesec Tools Wiki It is a growing collection of pages that - if not set differently - can be viewed, created and edited freely by every user.
MyAiesec Tools Foruns Host conversations of any nature - from general discussions to Q&As.
MyAiesec Tools Files Find and share all your relevant resources here.
MyAiesec Tools Surveys Give and get structured input and feedback to and from users of the platform.
MyAiesec Tools Partnership Menu Here you can add a new partner organisation, create a contact for this new organisation, update current organisation details and much more. Basically, this feature was made for partnerships.
MyAiesec Tools Exchange Module The exchange module is our worldwide database and it contains all our TNs and EPs.
MyAiesec Tools Administration The 'Administration' links appears in the left menu for member of the Executive Board (EB) or President of a Committee.
Other Tools Leave the system Use the support button to report your bugs, ask questions, and make suggestions to improve
More Information Now, we will see a little more about some of these tools!
My profile Filling in this section enables you to get a basic identity, supporting you to use our features and interact with the other users of the platform.
Profile Menu: Some questions How do i edit my personal information? How do i change my profile picture? How do i put my CV in How do i know what is my country of origin and who can change it? How do i change my password?
Personal Information
Profile Picture
CV in
Country of origin
Networking Your contact list Here you can see the users who have invited you to be added to their contact list. Here you can see the users who you have invited to be added to your contact list.
Add contact
The same result is obtained through the Search menu
The competency assessment tool This tool has been designed to help you take a planned approach to your personal development. Using the tool, you will be able to capture your learning and progress by creating an AIESEC Competency Profile.
How to access
Login screen Again, if you have an account, the username and password are identical
How to... How to view my tasks? How to create a new profile? How to manage my created profile? - Producing a self profile - Producing a 360 profile How to view my created profile
My tasks
Creating a new profile A new profile will appear in “my profiles” menu.
Managing your created profile Self profile and 360 profile A self profile being your view of yourself while a '360‘ profile is one where you invite people to rate you. Contributions from five other people are required before a '360' profile is complete.
Producing a self profile
Producing a 360 profile Insert the name of the member you are trying to find Or see the members who you already invited!
Created profile So you will see your competency avaliation results.
Teams Only EBs are allowed to create, modify, or administer teams under their scope, it means than an MC can administer the teams that are registered in its country. Team members receive access level to create content in the scope that the team is created.
Team: Some questions How to create a team? How to add new members to the team created?
Creating a team Click teams Create like you would any content
Creating a team Select your LC Team details (inc can anyone join) Team homepage content
Creating a team Add members (takes you to the standard member search screen)
Adding new members Click Enter details
Notes Make sure to add yourself as a team member! –I’m sure this will be fixed, and even if you forget you can browse for the team and click “administer” From the team screen you can view members or the team page. From the administer screen you can change details or message all members.
Content Features When we say content feature we refers to: Classified, News, Wiki, Forum or File. Content features can be searched and the way of use them is the real knowledge management practice of that entity (AI, GN, MC or LC)
About Classified The feature works as the classified in the news papers Can be searched with keywords or using the advance search base on the category or scope User can subscribe and flag The information is available in the system, can’t be sent to the users inbox. Classified expires, consider the publication and expiration dates when creating them
About Classified Create a new classified Search for classifieds Refine your search using the filters!
About News The feature works as a News board. As usual users are allowed to create and administer the news. Can be searched with keywords or using the advance search base on the category or scope. The information is available in the system, can’t be sent to the users inbox. News expires, consider the publication and expiration dates when creating them.
About News
About Wiki The feature works as wikipedia the idea of the feature is to be use as a tool for knowledge sharing. Can be searched with keywords or using the advance search base on the category or scope. User can subscribe and flag, and rate (using the start system). A wiki doesn’t expire and can not be deleted. The administrator can see the different version of the wiki.
About Wiki Search for wikis Refine your search using the filters! Create a new wiki Enter the name of your wiki Enter the words that users can use to find the wiki. Enter a short description of the wiki and what it is about. Select the category the wiki belongs to. Define permissions. Build your wiki page. And create it!
About Forums The feature works as a pool of forums Can be searched with keywords or using the advance search base on the category or scope User can subscribe and flag, and rate (using the start system) User can comment or can send private message to the person that have replied You as administrator can delete a comment A forum doesn’t expire and can not be deleted
About Forums
About File The feature works as big repository of file Can be searched with keywords or using the advance search base on the category or scope User can subscribe and flag, and add sections base on the permission system A file can not be deleted but you can change the file, and edit the description.
About File
Example for using content items Promoting a conference o Classifieds – Put it as an opportunity and promote the conference, direct to the wiki or to the registration survey. o News – promoting conference. o Wiki – everything about conference, including link to delegate package. o File: add the delegate package and share the link. o Survey- application form.
Exchange Module To access the Exchange module you: oNeed to be in Taking Responsibility(TR), Leadership Role (LR) or Exchange (X) stage oYou should have cleared the exchange certification test (on the old Insight XP or in the new Exchange module ) oYou need to be assigned a role: if you are in TR you need to be a team member, if you are in LR you can be team member, team leader or Executive Board or President of a committee oIf one of this conditions are not met, the user may not fully or partially access the system.
Exchange basic tools This menu consists of tools to support you in to managing your TNs. This menu consists of tools to support you in to managing your EPs. In this function, users are able to search for the exchange analysis Globally, Regionally, Nationally or Locally.
TN Forms Now we will view how to... –add, edit and review TN forms. –look for EPs that could match your TNs. –find a suitable EP for your TN. –use the TN match monitor.
Add TN Form 1) Search for the Organization
Add TN Form 2) Select the Organization Contact or add it if you can not find it 3) Select the exchange type
Add TN Form 4) Complete the form REMEMBER If you do not complete all parts of the form correctly the status of the form will be Incomplete. Once you have completed the form correctly the status will be on New. You should then go to Review TN and change the status of the form to Available or your MC and ask them to audit your form and change the status from New to Available so you can start matching!
Edit TN Form
Review TN Form 2) You can change the TN form status. After selecting the status click "Update Status" 1) Select the search criteria for the TN you want to review and press "Search" 3) To view the TN form details click on the TN ID
Search EP Database
1) You can search EPs by clicking on one of the study/working fields After accepting / showing interest in the EP you will be directed to your TN's match monitor page.
Search EP Database 2) You can search EPs also by selecting various search criteria (Committee, Exchange Type, Work Field, etc.).
Find a Suitable EP
1) From the search results select the TN for which you want to find a Suitable EP
Find a Suitable EP 2) After clicking on "Search" a list with suitable EPs will be displayed. To view EP form details click on EP ID. 3) Select the EP and click on "Show Interest"
TN Match Monitor 1) Select the search criteria and press "Search" 2) Click on your TNm form to view the details
TN Match Monitor 3) To change the TN form manager click on "Change Manager"
EP Form Now we will view in how to... –add, edit and review EP forms. –look for TNs that could match your EPs. –find a suitable TN for your EP. –use the EP match monitor.
XMI Analyser
Exchange Global Analysis General Information –shows Globally, the number of Raised and Realized forms by month for the last five years. Available Internship –shows Globally, the fields most commonly requested on the TN forms currently Avaliable. Available Exchange Participants –shows Globally, the fields most commonly requested on the EP forms currently Avaliable. Realized Exchange –shows Globally, the fields most commonly requested on all forms currently Realized.
Growth Network, Country and LC Information Exchange Growth Network –Also quite similar with Exchange Global Analysis –The different is users need to key in another extra bar which is Committee (Growth Network ). Exchange Country Information –Also quite similar with Exchange Growth Network –The different is users need to key in the Committee (Country ). Exchange LC Information –Also quite similar with Exchange Growth Network –The different is users need to key in the Committee (Local Committee).
Browse Browse Exchange Participants –Users are able to search the exchange participants in many criteria such as working and academic background, skills, languages, geographical region, language region, and trade region. Browse Internship –It is quite similar with browse Exchange Participants function it also contain search by working and academic background, skills, languages, geographical region, language region, and trade region.
Doubts Comments? Doubts? Feedbacks? Other Doubts? –
Thanks Thank You!