Reports to parents tell them: What their children are doing How well they are doing it Whether it is good enough What they need to do to improve
REPORT WRITING Before writing your reports: Ensure that your assessments are up to date, recorded and easily accessible Make sure that your assessments are accurate and fair Check that all class work / homework has been marked Check that you have the correct spelling of pupils’ names
REPORT WRITING Have all the relevant documentation to hand: Assessment records; Register; Record of homework; Discipline / punishment record; Comment bank (if appropriate) Samples of pupils’ work.
REPORT WRITING When writing reports DO Ensure that you leave enough time to complete reports within school deadlines. Set yourself mini – deadlines of 5-10 reports at a time. Take great care over presentation. Avoid labelling a child.
REPORT WRITING Strike a balance between being neutral and being too personal. Start your comments positively and focus on progress. Phrase negatives positively. Offer constructive suggestions for improvement. Write succinctly and avoid using educational jargon.
REPORT WRITING DO NOT Allow a report out of your hands with errors and corrections. Start again if necessary. Forget that parents take more notice of written comments than results / attainment levels. Attempt to write a class set of reports at one sitting. Forget your accountability. Can you substantiate all you write?
REPORT WRITING DO NOT Waffle. Select apt, crisp language. Hide the negatives, but be aware that reports are not the place to spring unpleasant surprises on parents
REPORT WRITING When writing a comment: Follow school policy; Keep neutral; Do not label a child; Be positive; Avoid jargon; Be realistic.
REPORT WRITING After completion think about the following areas: Spelling. It is important that the spelling is accurate as the report is a document issued in the name of the school and a reflection of your professionalism All teachers are teachers of literacy and this should be reflected in your writing in report cards. It is sometimes very embarrassing to read teachers’ letters and reports. Do not let your reports fall into this category.
REPORT WRITING Finally ask yourself Have I commented on all the necessary areas? Have I included strengths and areas for development? Have I offered constructive suggestions for improvement? Have I made any spelling or grammatical mistakes? Will the parent /guardian understand my comments? Does the report give a clear, accurate picture of the pupil? Is it positive?
REPORT WRITING TASK Think of a pupil in your class whom you know well. Keeping in mind all of the points made about report writing, draw up some comments on his/her progress under the following headings: Strengths; Next steps; Behaviour; Attitude; Attendance.