IB Geography Fieldwork Section A: Fieldwork Question and Geographic Context.


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Presentation transcript:

IB Geography Fieldwork Section A: Fieldwork Question and Geographic Context

Requirements in Section A The Fieldwork Question Hypothesis/Hypotheses Geographic Context Connection to the Syllabus Map Section A should be roughly 300 Words!

Fieldwork Question The fieldwork question (the precise inquiry) guides the fieldwork investigation. It must be narrowly focused, appropriate and stated as a question that can be answered through the collection of primary information in the field. Example: The aim of this fieldwork investigation is to determine… Example: This fieldwork investigation aims to answer the question:

Hypothesis/Hypotheses Where appropriate, students can make a brief preliminary judgment or prediction answering the fieldwork question. This prediction may be formulated as a hypothesis. A student should not have more than 2 hypotheses!!

Hypotheses You can have 1 or 2 hypotheses. Your hypothesis has to directly address the question: – Crime/Vandalism & Perceived Safety: the specific pattern you expect to find (where is the crime and vandalism happening or not happening- use geographic location) What factors influence patterns observed? – Religion Fertility: what impact if any will religion have on fertility and why; if its not religion, what is it and why? – Food Deserts: Will your neighborhood be a food desert or not compared to the others and why/also needs to include the impact on health.

Geographic Context Students must also comment briefly on the geographic context, explaining why and where the fieldwork investigation is to be carried out. This can include relevant spatial, demographic, socio-economic conditions and other background information, concepts or characteristics that are important to the fieldwork question. Let’s think about our questions and what geographic context should be included…

Geographic Context What should the reader know about your neighborhoods in order to understand them better in relation to your question? Think demographics: racial/ethnic background, major religions, annual household incomes, crime rates, education levels, fertility rates, etc. This needs to be specific for your neighborhoods of study, not Chicago in general.

Connection to the Syllabus Students must also state the area of the syllabus to which the study relates, whether it is from the topic within the core or the optional themes. Example: The area of the syllabus to which this fieldwork study relates is the Optional Theme of Urban Environments. This study relates to this theme because it connects to…

Maps A map of the research area and/or the locations used in the fieldwork investigation is essential to provide the necessary spatial element. Students must create/manipulate the map. It should not be taken directly from a website. You may use a map template from a website, but it must be altered and personalized in some way. Follow BOLTS! Map should not have treated data. Just a general reference map for the area. Map should be of your neighborhoods and they should be clearly labeled or color coded Map should be large enough for me to see!

Formatting Title Section A as: Section A: Fieldwork Question and Geographic Context Don’t forget about citations!! MLA – The Chicago Tribune or any newspaper/magazine should be italicized – Articles should go in quotes – Cite by author’s last name if there is an author.

Opening Sentences This gives the reader some context about your topic, in general. Doesn’t need to be specific to your neighborhoods. Can be general for Chicago, or the US. It can be cited information but does not have to be. This is where you set the stage for your topic. Think importance or relevance.