Four Ways to Form a Topic Sentence Modified from BCS_5/Stepping%20Stones%202e/Student%20Resources/Si x%20Ways%20to%20Form%20a%20Topic%20Sentence.pdf BCS_5/Stepping%20Stones%202e/Student%20Resources/Si x%20Ways%20to%20Form%20a%20Topic%20Sentence.pdf Found online 8/19/14 at 4:50
Six kinds of topic sentences are commonly used by experienced writers. They aren’t the only kinds, but if you learn how to write them, you’ll be able to express the main idea of almost any paragraph.
1. A Basic Topic Sentence The quickest and simplest way to begin a paragraph. Is the main idea of the paragraph. Are clear and direct. Good for when – You are being timed and must write quickly. – You are stuck when you try to begin writing. – The topic is difficult for you. Write the draft of your paper with a basic topic sentence and then revise it later if you have time.
Basic Topic Sentence Examples – Main Idea-Tango is my favorite restaurant. – Topic Sentence-Tango is my favorite restaurant. – Main Idea-Music is important in my life. – Topic Sentence-Music is important in my life. – Main Idea-I could not live without my car. – Topic Sentence-I could not live without my car.
2. A Topic Sentence that Adds a Description Is Similar to a basic topic sentence Adds to the basic topic sentence to clarify the subject of the paragraph Is more precise and colorful than a basic topic sentence Keep these suggestions in mind – Use only brief descriptive phrases. – Don’t change key words or add details that might change the basic topic sentence. – If the descriptive phrase doesn’t work smoothly, don’t force it.
A Topic Sentence that Adds a Description Examples – Main Idea-Tango is my favorite restaurant. – Topic Sentence-Tango, an Argentinean restaurant in my neighborhood, is my favorite restaurant. – Main Idea-Music is important in my life. – Topic Sentence-Hip-hop and classical music are important in my life. – Main Idea-I could not live without my car. – Topic Sentence-I could not live without my car, a beat- up 1992 Honda Civic. Notice how the author punctuated the first and last examples.
3. A Topic Sentence that Creates a Contrast Contrast=Effective way to start a paragraph Will result in a COMPLEX SENTENCE Starts with although, even though, or while Don’t forget the comma Shows that you deeply understand the topic Remember – Make sure you start your topic sentence with although, even though, or while – Be sure that your main ideas is in the second half of the sentence – Do not make changes that change the meaning of your main idea
A Topic Sentence that Creates a Contrast Examples – Main Idea-Tango is my favorite restaurant. – Topic Although I have eaten at many good restaurants, Tango stands out as my favorite. – Main Idea-Music is important in my life. – Topic Sentence-Even though I don’t listen to music as often as I would like, it is important in my life. – Main Idea-I could not live without my car. – Topic Sentence-While I could survive without many of my possessions, I could not live without my car. Notice how the author punctuated the examples.
4. A Topic Sentence that Uses Creative Language Use any of the previous ways of writing a topic sentence Think about ways to grab the reader’s attention Look for vocabulary that is playful, inspirational, or interesting
A Topic Sentence that Uses Creative Language Try these strategies – Ask yourself, would I want to read this paragraph based only on the main idea? If not, think about what excites you about the topic. What words might express this enthusiasm clearly? – Try to use strong, active verbs and verbal descriptions. – Use a thesaurus to search for fresh words, but be careful because each word listed doesn’t have exactly the same meaning
A Topic Sentence that Uses Creative Language Examples To me, music is an essential life companion, from the moment hip-hop gets me out of bed to the time I fall asleep to my favorite jazz station. Like Cinderella’s pumpkin that turned into a golden carriage, my beat-up 1992 Honda Civic is a magical vehicle that I couldn’t live without.