Webinar: Questions and Answers? July 17, 2014. Introduction John Tkaczewski, President and Co-Founder Check out our blog:


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Presentation transcript:

Webinar: Questions and Answers? July 17, 2014

Introduction John Tkaczewski, President and Co-Founder Check out our blog: | © Copyright FileCatalyst,

What is File Transfer Acceleration? File transfer acceleration technology allows large files, or “big data” to be sent quickly over large geographical distances without being impeded by network impairments such as latency and packet loss This is accomplished by transferring files using the UDP protocol instead of the TCP protocol, the protocol used for FTP and SFTP Reliability and congestion control is added to UDP at the application layer thus it doesn’t sacrifice its other desirable properties | © Copyright FileCatalyst,

Why is UDP faster than FTP / TCP? The main difference between UDP and TCP is that UDP wastes no time communicating about the receipt of a block of data so that regardless of network latency, data transmission remains constant. | © Copyright FileCatalyst,

How is your UDP different from other UDP based accelerated file transfer ? Speed – Only vendor that can achieve 10Gbps speeds File Deltas – Ability to transfer only the changes. Built transparently into the transport Multi-functional product lines. Single product will provide many functions ex: Data Replication and Web Plug-in are bundled within FileCatalyst Direct. Or Distribution and Web based Folder sharing is built-in to FileCatalyst Workflow. Flexible licensing – either “All inclusive” or “A la carte”, no per seat cost, unlimited client distribution | © Copyright FileCatalyst,

Why do I need Workflow and Direct? | © Copyright FileCatalyst, Direct – Point to Point. Includes Desktop App (like Filezilla), HotFolder (Automation), Web applets, CLI and SDK Workflow - For the web. Web portal for file transfers. Includes: File Submission, Distribution, Web based Folder sharing

How can you guarantee file delivery? | © Copyright FileCatalyst, MD5 checksum – bit by bit comparison is done after transfer Transfer with temporary file name. Ex: MediaFile123.mxf.fctemp File Delivery receipt in PDF or XML format (in Workflow only)

Can you resume file transfers? | © Copyright FileCatalyst, Resume can be done at any block (32MB default) MD5 checksum – bit by bit comparison is done on the partials before resume operation can be started File Delta – Rsync can be done on a file that has grown.

Are there any limits? | © Copyright FileCatalyst, There are no known theoretical limits on the UDP transport. In production, we transfer single files up-to 8 TB in size In production, we transfer file sets containing up-to 4 million files For file transfer speeds, We have a number of 10Gbps production deployments. On the low end, we test with speeds as slow as 128Kbps. We test and have deployments with up-to 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds!) of latency and 10% pocket loss

Tell me about the cloud... | © Copyright FileCatalyst, FileCatalyst is an ideal solution to move files in and from the cloud. All our products have been designed to run on most public clouds: AWS, Azure, OpenStack etc... Through our cloud partner ComputeNext - we provide SaaS packages.

Upcoming Events - ONS Off shore North Seas, Stavanger, Norway (Aug 25-28) - IBC 2014, RAI, Amsterdam (September 12-16) And of course don’t forget our monthly webinars... | © Copyright FileCatalyst,

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