1 1 Presented by: Society of Women Engineers 2015 Region J Conference Presentation “How to Deal With a Difficult Boss” Kevin Smith, Manager of the Office of River Protection April 11, 2015
2 Do you have a difficult boss? Yes
3 Does your boss have the ability? Yes/Maybe No Fix, Fight, or Flee (FFF)
4 Conduct or Behavior Intentional ? Yes or No Yes Fix, Fight, or Flee (FFF)
5 Can the Conduct or Behavior be Corrected? Yes or Maybe No Fix, Fight, or Flee (FFF)
6 First Do Your Research … gather data What is your organizational environment? What is driving your boss? What are the organizations values? What motivates your boss? How does your boss take in data? What is your boss’ management and leadership style? What performance feedback have you received?
7 Gather data from multiple sources … What do others think or recommend? What are your boss’ priorities? What are your boss’ values? What pressure is your boss under? Are others experiencing the same issues? How do others do well with the boss? What is the next level of management like?
8 Don’t forget to look at yourself … What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your goals? What motivates you? What is your followership style? What pressures are you under? What is the job environment? Is this the right job for you?
9 You may find the problem is YOU?
10 Difficult Boss YOU
11 Tools …. Seek “detailed” performance feedback Ask what would make you a more effective employee Look for opportunities to make the boss successful Learn how the boss wants information or deliverables Think about the critical path to success Seek a mentor Fill in any experience gaps
12 More Tools …. Reinforce positive behaviors Become an expert in an aspect of work Work from examples Enhance work important to your boss Go to school on previous feedback Develop a reputation for performing Align your focus to the company’s overarching goals
13 More Tools …. Learn to read you boss’ moods Learn from your boss Listen more than you speak Value your boss’ time Prepare for engagements Put your boss at the center of your universe Wait a year
14 When its time to FIX, FIGHT, or FLEE (FFF) …
15 FIX, FIGHT, or FLEE … considerations FIX Document your issues (time, place, witnesses) Tell your boss directly about your concerns Use the company or union grievance process Put your concerns in writing to management Meet with your boss’ supervisor Utilize Human Resources (HR) processes
16 FIX, FIGHT, or FLEE … considerations FIGHT Document your issues (time, place, witnesses) Team with others – band together Know the company rules Know the environment and relationships Be above reproach Have a back up option
17 FIX, FIGHT, or FLEE … considerations FLEE Document your issues (time, place, witnesses) Request a transfer to another department Communicate your departure clearly and in writing Have a new position before you depart Always leave on positive terms Learn from what you liked and did not like
18 In Closing …