Do Now When have you heard the word “evidence”? Can you think of any synonyms? What does evidence mean in writing?
Embedding and Citing Evidence 8 th Grade Language Arts
Why do writers use Direct Quotes? 1. To develop additional ideas to support the thesis 2. Writers use specific evidence, such as paraphrased and/or direct quotations
Direct Quotation exact words The exact words of an author. “quotation marks” Note: A direct quotation is placed inside “quotation marks”
How do we Cite a Direct Quotation? “Direct Quotation” (Author’s Last Name Page #). Example: Jonas was feeling embarrassed, "He hunched his shoulders and tried to make himself smaller in the seat. He wanted to disappear, to fade away, not to exist” (Lowry 58).
When using direct quotes… 1. Avoid plagiarism by paraphrasing or using direct quotes 2. To smoothly embed a direct quotation, use TLQC format (transition, lead-in, quotation, citation). For example: The reader is stunned by Harrison’s dramatic death scene, yet Harrison’s parents hardly react. When George realizes Hazel has been crying, he simply says, “‘Forget sad things’” (Vonnegut 6).
TLQC T: Transition L: Lead-In Q: Quotation C: Citation
To keep track off your sources… Complete a source card for each article you read on your topic. This will help you keep track of all of the information you need for your Works Cited page.
Together… Let’s complete a source card for the article “Should kids be required to wear school uniforms.”
Together … Let’s use TLQC to embed a quote from the article supporting why school uniforms should be required…
On your own… Find one source on the library databases. Complete a source card for the article. Find one quote that will be used as support in one of your paragraphs and embed it in a sentence using the TLQC methed.