The following slides will lead you through the process of creating and assigning test and quizzes in Engrade. Engrade’s Help section of Tests and Quizzes Engrade’s Help section of Tests and Quizzes has lots of help videos and documents on tests and quizzes. Some of the topics are covered in this presentation. You will find extra topics there too. At the bottom of some slides you will find a link to the Engrade help video/document on the specific topic of that slide.
1.Create the test 2.Add the questions 3.Assign the test The following slides will lead you through the process. Engrade also has a great HELP section. To access the HELP section, click on HELP in the upper right corner of the Engrade page. Here are a few links to specific HELP pages/videos for these three basic steps. 1.Creating a testCreating a test 2.Creating new test questions Adding new questions to the questions bank Add test question from question bankCreating new test questions Adding new questions to the questions bank Add test question from question bank 3.Assigning a testAssigning a test
Log into your Engrade account Open the class in which you want to add the test Click on Test & Quizzes in the left menu bar Click the Create New Test button Give the test a title and choose any options Engrade Help
Title is self explanatory Subject and Grade Level This will give you access to the correct Standards and Objectives to tag questions Allows others to search for your test if you share it Time Limit : 3 – 120 minutes
Randomize question order – Students will receive questions in different orders. Not a good idea if you have more than one question based on a passage/graph/etc. or if students need the test read to them. Show question type instructions – self explanatory Allow students to navigate questions – Students will have access to a bar at the top with questions numbers. They can pick and chose which question they want to view. They must click Save and Continue if they want to save an answer. Allow students to cross out incorrect answers – Students click on the X and the answer is grayed out Hide answer choice letters – the A,B,C etc. won’t show up on the test.
Highlighter –Allows the students to highlight portions of questions or passages. There are 7 different highlighter colors Notepad –Brings up a notepad where the student can type Magnifier – Brings up a magnifying glass allowing the student to move it over the text. Works similar to having a physical magnifying glass. Calculator – Choose between Simple, Scientific and Graphing Protractor – Access to a protractor that the students can move, rotate and resize This tool bar will be in the upper right corner of each questions
Choose if/when the students can view answers or results Allow students to view rational if you put that in for any questions. When you enter a multiple choice question you can enter rational for each answer choice. Why it’s the right answer or why it’s the wrong answer.
Click here to open up the following options The students will see this when they first open the test. Make any changes you wish. Other options Make sure you click Submit to create the test!
You can add questions to the test itself or add them to your question bank Let’s look at how to add questions to the test itself. Adding to the question bank will be a similar process. Engrade Help
As soon as you click Submit when creating the test you will be taken to a screen like this Click Add New to add a new Question Another way to get to this screen is to click on Your Test Library and then click on the name of the test to which you want to add questions.
Click Question to add a new question to the test.
The next slides will go through the different question types. Sample test with many of the question types Want to see a sample test??
First thing I do is click show tools for a better editor to add questions. Question Editor Expanded Using the Text Editor Using the Text Editor: Insert Graph Using the Text Editor: Insert Equation Using the Text Editor: Create Equation Links to help with the text editor Engrade Help
Do you want your answer choices to be images? Check this box. Select a picture you already uploaded or upload a new one.
Do you want your answer choices to be in a different order for different students? Check this box.
Click show tools to expand the answer box. You’ll get an expanded text editor like question text editor.
Want to put in rationales for right and wrong answers? Click here. The rationale boxes show and you can enter why each choice is right or wrong. Engrade Help
Make sure you mark the correct answer by clicking on the box. The correct answer will have a green check mark. Text answer choices Image answer choices
You can always add more choices!
Want to add a passage? Click here The grade and subject default to the grade and subject of this test, but you can change that to access other uploaded passages. Make sure you click update filters. You may already have some passages in Engrade that you want to use. If so, click on the box to the left and then click Add Passage(s). You can click on more than one at a time. If you want to create a new passage click here. The next slide show how to create a passage Engrade Help
Give it a Title Select the Subject and Grade Use the text editor to type in the passage or copy and paste from another source Click Add passage If you scroll you’ll get these options. Fill in anything you want.
How many points do you want the question to be worth? Enter it in this box.
Want to attach standards/objectives to the question? Click here. All this stuff opens up. Click Tag Standards. It defaults to subject and grade you put in when you created the test. Change that if you want to access other standards. This box pops up. Keep drilling down by clicking the triangle to the left of the box until you find the objective you want to tag – then check its box. You can tag more than one but that may not be the best idea when looking at reports later. Make sure you click Submit at the bottom! Engrade Help
Make sure you click Save Question or Save & Create New
There are two differences between multiple choice and multiple select. #1: You will have more than one correct answer. #2 You have to decide how you want to score the question. Perfect Response: The response has to be perfect to get the points. Additive with Negation: Students get points for each right answer they choose and points are subtracted for each right answer they didn’t choose and each answer they choose that isn’t right. If you choose Additive with Negation. The point value you put in will be the number of points you want added for each correct response and subtracted for each wrong response. Engrade Help
It’s easy enough. Just enter your question and pick the answer. REMEMBER: With all the question types you can add a passage, tag standards, and choose a point value. Don’t forget to SAVE!! Engrade Help
Pick this if you want to add special instructions in the middle of the test, or maybe just a note of encouragement to the students. Engrade Help
You will enter the items and their match. Engrade will randomize the choices for students. You can add distractors. I just added one but if you want more click on the little plus sign. Scoring Types Perfect: just like ti says – must be perfect to get credit. Additive: Get points for each one that is matched correctly. Notice if you change the scoring type to Additive, Points changes to Point Each. That’s your key that every correct match will get the number of points you put in the box. Engrade Help
Type in your question or prompt and choose the number of characters or words students are allowed to enter. AS ALWAYS, you can add passages, points, and tag standards. Don’t forget to SAVE!! Engrade Help
Type in your question or prompt and choose the number of characters or words students are allowed to enter. You have a choice of 3 editors 1.Standard 2.Basic Math 3.Basic English Here’s what the three types look like: Standard Basic Math Basic English You won’t notice a difference when you are entering the question. You’ll have to preview the question to see the different editors. If you want students to be able to upload pictures and videos then check the box to allow media. If you allow media the student’s editor will look like this. They have the extra buttons to insert images, insert video and to preview. The last thing that is new in the essay question is the ability to add a rubric. You can create a new rubric or choose one you entered before. I’ll discuss creating a new rubric on the next slide. How do want the rubric to score? Average Score or Total Score? The points will be calculated for you Engrade Help
Here’s what you get if you click on New Rubric Pick the Size. It’s listed as Column x Row Give it a Title Fill in the rest of the stuff. It does allow you to copy and paste
Type in your question. Anywhere you want a blank to fill in type TWO UNDERSCORES, as in __. You will notice as soon as you do that these answer choice boxes will pop up. You can have more than one blank. Do you want to score the question? If so, pick manually review. If you want Engrade to score the question pick Auto- Score. If you pick Auto-Score, you will need to enter all possible right answers. I just have one in this example but you can enter more than one. There are two available boxes but you can click to add more. Now let’s look at our scoring options Our scoring options are Perfect Response and Additive. They work the same as they do in other question types. Engrade Help
FYI: Numeric Only really means numbers only. I thought I was being helpful when I limited student responses to Numeric Only on a benchmark assessment. Well the answer was a negative number and the students could not type in a negative sign. Maybe this will change in the future but as of now Numeric Only will only allow numbers in the response.
Cloze is like Fill-in-the-Blank but with answer choices for your blanks. (Please forgive the lame question – I was struggling to come up with something ) In this example I have two blanks so I have two boxes for answer choices. Make sure you click the boxes for the correct answers. You’ll see the green check mark by the correct answer. Scoring options are Perfect Response and Additive. As always you can add a passage and tag standards. Don’t forget to SAVE!! Engrade Help
Type in your question and put two underscores to create a drop down box for students. Notice I put in 2 sets of 2 underscores so I would get two drop down boxes. You can choose between Numeric, Decimal and Alpha. Numeric and Decimal both give the options of 0-9. Decimal just has a decimal point at the front. Alpha gives the choices of A-Z Here’s a preview of what the kids see
Type in your question. Add points and tag standards if you choose. You don’t see anything about uploading a file but the students will. Here is what they see. They can add a file they already uploaded to Engrade or attach an outside file. Engrade Help
Upload a picture and have the students label parts of the picture. Pick your image Click on the image where you want to create a label. A label box will pop up where you can type in the answer. Scoring options are Perfect Response and Additive. Here’s what the students see. They will drag the label to the correct spot on the image. Engrade Help
I’ll start by showing you what the students see. Then we will talk about how to set it up. The students will drag each word to the correct column or “bucket.” There can be distractors. Engrade Help
Type in your question Do you want images for the buckets or the items? In this example I have two buckets (you can have more). The buckets are Noun and Verb. Click here to add items for students to drag to the buckets When you enter an item, that item will appear in both bucket lists. You’ll need to add the number of that item that should be in bucket. In my example, since car is a noun I put 1 in box for the noun bucket and 0 in the box for the verb bucket. A distractor would have 0 in both buckets. Scoring Options Perfect Response – must get every response correct to get the credit Additive Buckets - Students earn points for each correct response.
Type in your question Want images for your options? Put the answers in the correct order Need more options? How to score? Drag in available options? Here’s the difference in what the students see Box NOT checked Students will move around the choices to get in the right order. Box checked Students will drag the choices from the bottom and place them in the right order. Scoring Options Perfect Response – must get every response correct to get the credit Additive Position - Students earn points for each correct response. Additive Consecutive - Students earn points for each consecutive correct response Engrade Help
Get to the class where you created the test Click Tests and Quizzes Click Your Test Library Hover over the gear at the far right of the test you want to assign Click Assign to Class Engrade Help
Two Choices Manually open and close Schedule times You will open and close the test manually AFTER you have finished the assigning process. Once you assign the test, go back to Tests and Quizzes – Assigned Tests – and click on Schedule Change the Status to Open or Closed If you choose Schedule available times, this box will open up and you pick dates and times Engrade Help
Defaults to all students in the class You can also pick student by performance indicators You can manually pick certain students Choose a performance indicator and different groups will show up (see Tier 4 and Tier 1 below) I don’t have great data because this is a fake class but it will make sense when you try it for your own classes.
You can assign the test to other classes – your classes – not other teacher’s classes. Click on any other classes to which you want to assign the test. Engrade lists the classes that have the test assigned!! Engrade Help
At the end of all the scheduling, picking students and picking classes, don’t forget to click on Assign to Class !!