Lesson 14: I can strategize to solve multi-term problems.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 14: I can strategize to solve multi-term problems. 5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini

5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini Time to Sprint! 3.D.24 & 3.D.25 5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini

Happy Counting with Mixed Numbers! Let’s count by ½ with mixed numbers. When I point up, count up. When I point down, count down. READY? STOP STOP STOP Continue orally… 5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini

Application Problem After solving compare & contrast the two problems During lunch, Charlie drink 2 ¾ cup of milk. Allison drinks 3/8 cup of milk. Carmen drinks 1/6 cup of milk. How much milk do the 3 students drink? For a large order, Mr. Magoo made 3/8 kg of fudge in his bakery. He then got 1/6 kg from his sister’s bakery. If he needs a total of 1 ½ kg, how much more fudge does he need to make? After solving compare & contrast the two problems 5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini

5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini Solutions 5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini

Can you rearrange the problem to help solve it? Concept Development Problem #1 Today we are going to continue to solve problems mentally. Turn & share with your partner how you could solve this problem mentally without using paper & a pencil. Can you rearrange the problem to help solve it? *Call on students to share their strategies. 5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini

5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini Problem #2 Work with your partner to mentally solve this problem. Analyze the parts and wholes. Don’t forget! Since this is a subtraction problem it has to stay in the same order! *Call on students to share their strategies. 5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini

Work with your partner to mentally solve this problem. Can you rearrange the problem to make it easier? *Call on students to share their strategies. 5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini

You can use paper and pencil if you wish to solve. Problem #4 Let’s analyze this fraction equation. Share with your partner. What do you notice about this equation? We have a missing part! You can use paper and pencil if you wish to solve. 5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini

Work on this one with your partner. Problem #5 Work on this one with your partner. Use ink tools to display student answers. 5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini

Solve this problem with your partner. Use ink tools to display student answers. 5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini

Get Ready to Complete the Problem Set on Your Own! Complete Pages 3.D.26 & 3.D.27 You will have 20 minutes to work. Try your Best! 5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini

5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini LET’S Debrief When rearranging the terms in the top section of the activity sheet, talk to your partner about what you looked for to help you solve the problem easily. Talk to your partner about some of the skills you had to use to solve these problems. We had to analyze part and whole relationships. I had to recognize when there were easy like units. We had to move back and forth between decimals and fractions in Problem 2(f) and in the second word problem about the volunteers, too.  We had to think hard about the problems that had addition and subtraction problems and whether to add or subtract something. 5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini

5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini EXIT TICKET Page 3.D.28 5th Grade Module 3 – Lesson 14 Designed by Leigh-Ann Pieragostini