Northern Kenya Conservation Clubs: Teaching Assistants Alex Wheatley & Annelies Paine Advisors: Dan and Nancy Rubenstein
NKCC Objectives Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve me and I will understand. Step back and I will act.
NKCC Member Schools Il Motiok Naiperere Shiloh Naibor Olgirgiri Ol Jogi Lekiji Kimanjo Primary Kimanjo Secondary Ngabolo Ewaso Mpala
Bird Lesson: Evolution and Adaptation Biodiversity Lesson: Invasive Species and Research Techniques More or Less Game: Ecosystems and Human Wildlife Conflict
Indigenous Knowledge Lesson
Community Conservation Day
“Animals, plants, and human beings rely on each other in the ecosystem for food, shelter, and support. Therefore we need to conserve the environment at large.” “I would like to be one of the people who are protect(ing) our environment.” “We use charcoal ball(s) so that we can reduce cutting down of trees.” “Planting trees reduces soil erosion.” “When we conserve the environment, i.e. plants and animals, we benefit ourselves.”
Thank you PEI and Mpala Research Center!