The Scarlet Robin lives singularly or in pairs in open, dry forests and woodlands. During winter, it will visit more open habitats such as farmland and urban parks and gardens. These beautiful birds prefer a rainforest with a shaded middle and upper canopy and a relatively open ground to provide visibility for finding prey.
The species is found on continental Australia and its offshore islands, like Tasmania.
The Scarlet Robin is a quiet and subdued species which is often quite tame and easily approached. It lays 3 pale green or pale blue eggs marked with brownish-purple spots. The nest is a cup made of grass, bark, twigs, camouflaged with lichen, bound with spider web, and lined with plant fibre. This bird eats insects and other small invertebrates. Petroica multicolor is the scientific name of this spectacular species of birds. The size of the Scarlet Robin is11.5–13.5 cm long and the weight is 9–11 g.
The Scarlet Robin populations have declined in Southern and Western Australia as a result of land-clearing practices. They are particularly affected by the removal of understorey. The Scarlet Robin is especially sensitive to habitat degradation and overgrazing.
1. Draft a bill outlining changes to the logging laws that will reduce or eliminate land clearing. Have it endorsed by a senator. Create a petition to have the bill presented in the senate and taken to a vote. 2. Hire a legal team and sue the land clearing agency for the environmental damage if it is in violation of any laws. Also inform the Officials of the violations and request an environmental impact study of the area. This will stall and possibly end the operation, but it is an expensive approach. (We will look further into it later)
3. Petition the government on a state and federal level to create land trusts and to protect endangered forests. Numerous petitions are already in existence and we can sign the petitions to help each individual cause. Also, we may fight to expand forest service and wilderness lands to protect specific regions from land clearing. 4. Join an existing non-profit cause. Several non-profit causes are avid opponents of land clearing operations. The organizations will use legal power and rallies to protect lands from clearing operations. The organizations always need donations and volunteers to contribute hours towards the cause. 5. Change our personal habits to reduce the demand for products stemming from land clearing operations. Purchase recycled products and eat organically farmed and locally grown products that are not a product of large commercial farms. Also we can avoid paper waste and plant-based products that have not been sustainably grown.
Our company should choose our next steps today. We need to arrange special meetings for this plan. This project will help the environment as well as the company financially and socially. Our company name will be known for making a big difference. For this species of bird in which I see a potential we need to start acting upon our words from today.
Bloomishing Ltd. Making one small difference at a time