The Allies Turn the Tide Chapter 14.3
All Out War 1942 Allies in bad shape Total war Govt increases power-rationing, conversion of industry, bonds, limit wages Limited rights-press, propaganda, people as security risks
Women help in the war Men go to war Women go to the factory “Rosie the Riveter”
The Allies Forge Ahead Japanese Navy battered US have aircraft carriers with planes Battle of Midway The Big Three Strategy(FDR, Churchill, Stalin) Europe 1 st Asia 2 nd Fear and Distrust
Conference in Teheran Stalin gets Poland Allied victory in North Africa-El Aleman Eisnehower-Supreme Allied Commander Surrender 1943
Allies advance through Italy-Silicy Italy surrenders Germans defeated at Stalingrad Germany surrenders to Soviets 1944 Soviet on the move west
The Allies Push Toward Germany D-Day June 6, 1944-Invasion of France 156,000 troops August 25 Allies enter Paris France is free
Allies continue to advance Bombing of Hamburg and Dresden in Germany Battle of the Bulge Allies stall Soviet enter Berlin
Uneasy agreement at Yalta 1945 Soviet control vs self determination in Eastern Europe Yalta-Soviets will help after Japan Germany surrenders Germany divided into military zones