DASAN NETWORKS GPON Training Chapter 11. Gpon-OLT mode configuration www.dasannetworks.eu
www.dasannetworks.eu Table of contents 1. CLI Structure – GPON-OLT mode 2. ONU Registration 3. Bandwidth Scheduler 4. ONT discovering 5. OLT description and activation/deactivation 6. Downstream encryption 7. Auto ONU fault detection 8. Maximal Distance between OLT and ONU (ONT) 9. Forward Error Correction (FEC) Mode 10. Maximum Number of ONU 11. ONU RX-Power Update 12. ONU Deactivation Monitoring 13. Source MAC address Monitoring (loop detection) 14. ONU Block/Unblock 15. Upstream Flow Mapping 16. ONU Inactive Aging-time 17. OLT RX Power (1310nm) 18. Displaying OLT/ONU Mac Addresses 19. ONU Description and Ping Test 20. Assigning static IP address to ONT interfaces 21. ONU Laser Down 22. POTS Interface Configuration (VOIP SIP) 23. VoIP MGCP Configuration 24. ONU Ethernet Ports Administration 25. ONU Ethernet Ports Configuration 26. ONU WIFI Interface Administration 27. ONU RF Port Administration 28. ONU Reset 29. Diagnostic Monitoring for ONU’s Optical Transceiver 30. ONU WEB System Account 31. ONU Authentication from RADIUS Server 32. Enable ONU Auto-Upgrade 33. Checking ONT Detail Information 34. ONT Deactivation Reason 35. Assigning Onu Profile 36. Displaying ONU Information 37. ONU PPPoE Configuration (Router – IP-HOST-2) 38. GPON Provisioning 39. ONT Activation Issue – Workaround 40. How to quickly check all profiles assigned to each ONT 41. ONU Diods Meaning www.dasannetworks.eu
1. CLI Structure – GPON-OLT mode EXAMPLE: SWITCH> enable SWITCH# configure terminal SWITCH(config)# gpon SWITCH(gpon)# gpon-olt OLT-ID SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# Where OLT-ID is number of GPON port: V5812G: 1-4 V5824G: 1-8 V8240: 1/1-10/4 GPON OLT PORT and ONU Management If You want to configure/check or manage each GPON OLT port and ONUs connected to it, You should go to GPON-OLT mode. www.dasannetworks.eu
www.dasannetworks.eu 2. ONU Registration ONU Registration The default ONU (ONT) registration mode is the auto mode in which an OLT registers ONUs automatically, when receiving the serial number from the ONU. For an optimized ONU configuration, however, the manual mode is recommended. Some options are only available in the manual mode. On each GPON port all ONTs are clearly identified by ONU-ID. This two modes means: Auto mode – we can’t assign onu-profile and other configuration to this ONT, if ONT is active and discovered on OLT port – obtain ONU-ID, but when ONT is deactivated, then it is automatically deleted from OLT port (ONU-ID is released) Manual mode – we can assign all configuration to this ONT, one time discovered ONT is all the time present on each GPON OLT PORT (with the same ONU-ID) until we will manually delete it by command: no onu ONU-ID. Enable manual mode Upon registering an ONU automatically, the registration mode of the ONU will be changed to the manual mode. Note that when you use this command, the registration mode of the ONUs that are already registered in the auto mode will be changed to the manual mode as well. EXAMPLE: SWITCH> enable SWITCH# configure terminal SWITCH(config)# gpon SWITCH(gpon)# gpon-olt 1 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# olt auto-to-manual enable SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show olt auto-to-manual SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show onu active www.dasannetworks.eu
www.dasannetworks.eu 4. ONT discovering Serial Number-based ONU Registration For ONU (ONT) registration, OLT requests a serial number of the connected ONUs (ONTs) periodically. OLT registers a specific ONU which replies to OLT with its serial number. The V5812G can allocate ONU-ID to an ONU which sends a valid serial number to OLT. When ONU with the specific serial number is activated, it is assigned the allocated ONU-ID. To register/delete ONU (ONT) automatically by ONU’s serial number acquisition, use the following command. Displaying ONU Information To display the ONU (ONT) information, use the following command. www.dasannetworks.eu
8. Maximal Distance between OLT and ONU (ONT) PON systems distribute the bandwidth of each fiber core among up to 64 (max.128) line termination points using splitters. The default maximum distance between OLT and ONU (ONT) is typically 20 km. The logical handling of GPON data streams however allows a distance of up to 60 km but there is a limitation: maximum distance between „Nearest ONT” and „Outermost ONT” is 20km. To determine maximal GPON distance between OLT and ONU (ONT), use the following command: EXAMPLE: SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# olt max-distance 35 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show olt status When we changed max-distance to 35, then ONTs between 15 and 35 kilometer will be discovered www.dasannetworks.eu
OLT is periodicaly asking the ONT about information of the signal. 11. ONU RX-Power Update OLT is periodicaly asking the ONT about information of the signal. www.dasannetworks.eu
www.dasannetworks.eu 17. OLT RX Power (1310nm) Displaying OLT Status The Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) is a measurement of the power present in a received radio signal. The RSSI functionality in a newly released GPON OLT transceiver helps the operators monitor the received optical signal strength from each ONU (ONT). On V5812G, PLD version should be 0x19 to read olt rx-power: SWITCH# show system NOS Version : 5.09 B/L Version : 6.32 PLD Version : 0x19 www.dasannetworks.eu
29. Diagnostic Monitoring for ONU’ s Optical Transceiver The Digital Diagnostic Monitoring Interface (DDMI) feature provides diagnostic information about the module’ s present operating conditions. The transceiver generates this diagnostic data by digitization of internal analog signals. To display the operating parameters of ONU’ s GPON module, use the following command. On ONT models H640GR-02 and H640RW-02 – DMI TX power is not supported. www.dasannetworks.eu
18. Displaying OLT/ONU Mac Addresses To display the MAC addresses and a total MAC entry counts of the ONUs (ONTs) connected to a current OLT, use the following command. UNI ETH MAC Address You can also check MAC addresses learned on each UNI ETH port (even behind Router/NAT): www.dasannetworks.eu
9. Forward Error Correction (FEC) Mode Forward Error Correction (FEC) feature can improve the quality and reach of an optical link. FEC is implemented according to G984.3 standard, which defines the use of the code which is able to protect 239 bytes of the payload with 16 redundant bytes, allowing the receiver to detect and correct transmission errors. To enable/disable downstream FEC mode, use the following command: Please remember that after modification of this option, all ONTs connected to this port will be deactivated for few seconds www.dasannetworks.eu
5. OLT description and activation/deactivation www.dasannetworks.eu
19. ONU Description and Ping Test www.dasannetworks.eu
www.dasannetworks.eu 3. Bandwidth Scheduler EXAMPLE: SWITCH> enable SWITCH# configure terminal SWITCH(config)# gpon SWITCH(gpon)# gpon-olt 1 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# olt bw-scheduler be-fairness-method guaranteed SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show olt bw-scheduler SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show tcont www.dasannetworks.eu
www.dasannetworks.eu 15. Upstream Flow Mapping We recommend to use mapping per-gem. After modifications of this mode, You should reload the OLT. All connected ONTs will be deactivated for few seconds. www.dasannetworks.eu
6. Downstream encryption Encryption of downstream data is automatic process performed by OLT for specified ONU-IDs configured as encrypted. PON OLT uses encryption key of the ONU (ONT) associated with encrypted OLT-ID. To synchronize encryption and decryption keys between OLT and ONU (ONT), you have to activate the key exchange process. For security reasons, GPON standard requires periodic key exchange for all active ONUs (ONTs) that use downstream data traffic. Encryption of downstream data uses AES algorithm with a key generated by each ONU (ONT) and configured by GPON OLT. To enable/disable the encryption mode of downstream traffic, use the following command. To start/stop an encryption key exchange process between OLT and ONU (ONT) and specify an interval of key exchange, use the following command: EXAMPLE: SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu encryption 1 enable SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# olt key-exchange start 30 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show onu encryption www.dasannetworks.eu
7. Auto ONU fault detection If a certain ONU’ s laser is enabled consistently by an optical module’ s fault, all other normal ONUs connected to the same OLT will be deregistered; a single ONU fault may cause a whole network disruption. Preventing such a problem, the V5812G provides the auto ONU (ONT) fault detection feature. Normally, if an ONU (ONT) fault occurs, a specific error signal is followed by the fault. Thus, the V5812G validates whether an ONU (ONT) fault occurs by detecting the specific error signal. The auto ONU fault detecting mechanism is as follows: When detecting an error signal (an ONU fault) in a certain OLT, the V5812G generates a corresponding syslog message, and then disables the laser of each ONU currently connected to the OLT one by one for 60 seconds. At the moment that the faulty ONU’s laser is disabled, the error signal also disappears, then the system realizes that which the faulty ONU is and memorizes its serial number. After 60 seconds, when the disconnected ONUs (ONTs) start to enable their laser, if the ONU having the same serial number memorized before tries to enable its laser, the V5812G disables the laser permanently. To resume the laser, the ONU needs a power reset. Normal Abnormal Normal Traffic / Optic Signal 1 2 3 SD OLT ONT1 ONT3 1 2 3 ONT2 OLT ONT1 ONT3 1 2 3 ? ONT2 1 ? SD Idle pattern Rogue ONT (ONU1) sending continuous TX signal : disrupts all other traffic EXAMPLE: SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# olt signal-check auto-onu-block enable SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show olt signal-check www.dasannetworks.eu
Rougue ONU w onu-profile 7. Rogue ONT Rougue ONU w onu-profile
www.dasannetworks.eu 21. ONU Laser Down ONU Laser Down If a certain ONU’ s laser is enabled consistently by an optical transceiver ’ s fault, all other normal ONUs connected to the same OLT will be deregistered; a single ONU fault may cause a whole network disruption. To prevent such a problem, you can manually disable the laser (TX power of transceiver) of the faulty ONU considered as the cause of the problem. By the way, if you disable the laser without specifying laser-off time, the ONU needs a power reset to resume the laser. Jak wyłączysz laser to ONT może musi być zresetowane prądowo www.dasannetworks.eu
12. OLT Deactivation Monitoring ONU Deactivation Monitoring ONU deactivation monitoring function generates alarms based on ONU (ONT)’s deactivation. The system calculates the current percentage by the number change of active ONUs every hour. If the number of active ONU is reduced and the current percent is lower than a given alarm -raise percent, the deactive monitor alarm is on. If the current percent exceeds the configured alarm-clear percent, the deactive monitor alarm changes to off. To enable/disable ONU deactivation monitoring, use the following command. EXAMPLE: SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# olt deactive-monitor enable SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# olt deactive-monitor alarm-raise 50 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# olt deactive-monitor alarm-clear 90 www.dasannetworks.eu
13. Source MAC address Monitoring (loop detection) (1) The V5812G can monitor its source MAC table to find a defective ONUs (ONTs). Auto ONU (ONT) blocking function can be used to manage and troubleshoot the defective ONU-related problems. Thanks to this option OLT can automatically discover ONT on which loop was discovered and block it for specified time. To enable/disable OLT for source MAC address monitoring, use the following command: Loop Detection The loop may occur when double paths are used for the link redundancy between switches and one sends unknown unicast or multicast packet that causes endless packet floating on the LAN like loop topology. That superfluous traffic eventually can result in network fault. It causes superfluous data transmission and network fault. To prevent this, DASAN OLTs provides the loop detecting function. The loop detecting mechanism is as follows: The switch periodically sends the loop-detecting packet to all the ports with a certain interval, and then if receiving the loop-detecting packet on ONT LAN ports sent before, the switch performs a pre-defined behavior. How it works: OLT is sending loop-detect frames on gpon ports (including OLT MAC in frame source MAC) IF this loop-detect frame will came to ONT LAN port (OLT will learn its own MAC address on the OLT) OLT discovered that there is a loop. OLT SRCMAC monitor feature will automatically block this ONT for defined time. Loop ONT(ONU) www.dasannetworks.eu OLT
13. Source MAC address Monitoring (loop detection) (2) Example configuration of automatic block ONT on which OLT discovered a loop on below scenarios: loop created on one ONT loop created between two ONTs connected to the same GPON port loop created between two ONTs connected to the different GPON ports if loop will be created on ports behind NAT – then ONT will be automatically deactivated Create three VLANs: 100,200, 300: SWITCH (config)# bridge SWITCH (bridge)# vlan create 100,200,300 SWITCH (bridge)# vlan add 100,200,300 1-4 tagged SWITCH(bridge)# exit Enable VLAN interfaces SWITCH(config)# interface 100 SWITCH(config-if[100])# no shutdown SWITCH(config)# interface 200 SWITCH(config-if[200])# no shutdown SWITCH(config)# interface 300 SWITCH(config-if[300])# no shutdown SWITCH(config-if[300])# exit Configure loop-detect on GPON ports SWITCH(config)# bridge SWITCH(bridge)# loop-detect enable SWITCH(bridge)# loop-detect 1-4 SWITCH(bridge)# loop-detect 1-4 timer 5 SWITCH(bridge)# loop-detect 1-4 period 5 Configure olt source mac monitor SWITCH (config)# gpon SWITCH (gpon)# gpon-olt 1 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])#olt srcmac-monitor enable auto-onu-block expire-timeout 300 SWITCH (gpon)# gpon-olt 2 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[2])#olt srcmac-monitor enable auto-onu-block expire-timeout 300 SWITCH (gpon)# gpon-olt 3 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[3])#olt srcmac-monitor enable auto-onu-block expire-timeout 300 SWITCH (gpon)# gpon-olt 4 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[4])#olt srcmac-monitor enable auto-onu-block expire-timeout 300 Check ONT status: SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[4])# show onu block status SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[4])# end SWITCH# show syslog local non-volataile reverse www.dasannetworks.eu
www.dasannetworks.eu 14. ONU Block/Unblock ONU Block/Unblock You can easily block each ONT – ONT than will not pass any traffic (for all ONT – all ETH ports and WIFI) EXAMPLE: SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu block 3 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show onu block status www.dasannetworks.eu
16. ONU Inactive Aging-time The ONU inactive aging-time can be used while the registration mode of the ONU is configured in the manual mode. If a number of days for an OLT to check the ONU’s registration status pass without the ONU’s activation, the ONU will be automatically deregistered (deleted from GPON OLT PORT – no onu ONU-ID). To specify the registration aging time for the ONUs that are manually registered, use the following command. You can monitor how long the ONU has been inactive status displayed in the Inactive Time field using show onu detail-info command. If the ONU’s activation status is active, the inactive time value remains unchanged at 0:00:00:00. www.dasannetworks.eu
20. Assigning static IP address to ONT interfaces Assigning IP address If You define static IP for IP-HOSTs in traffic-profile, then You should assign IP address for each ONT IP-HOST. To configure the IP host service ID, IP address and gateway address for an ONU, use the following Command. SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC])# ip-host-config 1 SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC]-iphost[1])# ip address static SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC]-iphost[1])# dns primary secondary SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC]-iphost[1])# extended-vlan-tagging-operation VOIP SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC]-iphost[1])# link voip-service 1 SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC]-iphost[1])# exit SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC])# ip-host-config 2 SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC]-iphost[2])# ip address static SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC]-iphost[2])# extended-vlan-tagging-operation NET SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC]-iphost[2])# exit EXAMPLE: SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu static-ip 1 ip-host 1 gw SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu static-ip 1 ip-host 2 gw www.dasannetworks.eu
22. POTS Interface Configuration (VOIP SIP) To configure the parameters of POTS interface in an ONT, use the following command. For the enhanced system security, the V5812G can use authentication for a VoIP user to have access to the softswitch. To configure the authentication user name and password for VoIP user to have access to softswitch, use the following command. EXAMPLE: SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu voip-sip 1 auth pots 1 900 123456 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu voip-sip 1 phone-number pots 1 900 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu voip-sip 1 auth pots 2 902 123456 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu voip-sip 1 phone-number pots 2 902 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show onu voip line 1 www.dasannetworks.eu
23. VoIP MGCP Configuration Message ID Configuration To configure the message ID according to the specific VoIP service, use the following command. ONT Termination ID Configuration The attribute specifies the base string for the MGC (H.248) physical termination ID(s) for the ONT. This string is intended to uniquely identify an ONT. Vendor-specific termination identifiers (i.e. port IDs) are optionally added to this string to uniquely identify a termination on a specific ONT. EXAMPLE: SWITCH(gpon)# gpon-olt 1 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu voip-mgc 3 message-id service 1 domain.voip.net SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu voip-mgc 3 termination-id pots 1 aaln/1 www.dasannetworks.eu
24. ONU Ethernet Ports Administration Activating Administration for UNI To enable/disable the administration of the ONU (ONT) UNI port, use the following command. EXAMPLE: SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu port-admin 3 uni eth 2 disable SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show onu uni-status 3 www.dasannetworks.eu
25. ONU Ethernet Ports Configuration UNI Ethernet Port Configuration To configure the UNI Ethernet port of ONU, use the following command. www.dasannetworks.eu
26. ONU WIFI Interface Administration Activating Administration for WIFI To enable/disable the administration of the ONU (ONT) WIFI interface, use the following command. EXAMPLE: SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu port-admin 3 uni wifi 1 disable SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show onu uni-status 3 www.dasannetworks.eu
27. ONU RF Port Administration Activating Administration for RF port To enable/disable the administration of the ONU (ONT) RF port, use the following command. Only for ONT models: H640GR-02|H640RW-02 EXAMPLE: SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu port-admin 3 uni video 1 disable SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show onu uni-status 3 VIDEO port is enabled by default www.dasannetworks.eu
28. ONU Reset www.dasannetworks.eu
www.dasannetworks.eu 30. ONU WEB System Account ONU System Account You can easily check from OLT CLI, what is the password for admin account to the ONT WEB interface. You can also set a new password. Even if You can’t see user account (it will be supported in the feature) You can also change password to this account: onu system-account ONU-ID user password www.dasannetworks.eu
33. Checking ONT Detail Information www.dasannetworks.eu
34. ONT Deactivation Reason Broader description of ONTs deactivation reason You can find in GPON standard (ITU-T G984.3) www.dasannetworks.eu
36. Displaying ONU Information (1) www.dasannetworks.eu
36. Displaying ONU Information (2) www.dasannetworks.eu
36. Displaying ONU Information (3) www.dasannetworks.eu
36. Displaying ONU Information (4) www.dasannetworks.eu
37. ONU PPPoE Configuration (Router – IP-HOST-2) Configure traffic-profile/onu-profile with IP-HOST-1 and IP-HOST-2 configuration - assign it to ONU SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC])# ip-host-config 1 SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC]-iphost[1])# ip address dhcp SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC]-iphost[1])# extended-vlan-tagging-operation VOIP SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC]-iphost[1])# link voip-service 1 SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC]-iphost[1])# exit SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC])# ip-host-config 2 SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC]-iphost[2])# ip address dhcp <- for PPPoE You need to set DHCP SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC]-iphost[2])# extended-vlan-tagging-operation NET SWITCH(config-traffic-pf[TRAFFIC]-iphost[2])# exit SWITCH(gpon)# gpon-olt 1 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu-profile 2 H640GW-02 Now You can log in to ONT by two ways: After connecting to ONT LAN ETHERNET port – to port behind NAT (You need to be at remote place - behind ONT): Log in remotely to the ONT IP-HOST-1 IP Address: PORT: 8080 LOGIN: admin PASSWORD: vertex25 www.dasannetworks.eu
www.dasannetworks.eu 38. GPON Provisioning (1) ONT Auto-configuration and Service Provisioning Automated provisioning and remote management of ONTs are vital service delivery activities of ISPs and operators - helping to reduce costs, lead times and complexity as well as to deploy new subscriber services. ONT provisioning method simplifies network operations by eliminating the need to configure every network element interface between the OLT ingress and subscriber ports of our ONTs (H64x series) for diverse GPON service applications. If the ONT service provisioning settings in XML file are saved in a FTP server prior to installation/activation of ONTs, the OLT can relay the configured XML file from the FTP server to the activated ONTs using the commands. Actually only provisioning by FTP server is supported. ① ONT Provisioning Tool & JRE Installation: Install JRE (version 1.6) and provisioning tool (ONTProvisionTool.exe) to FTP server. Create a new XML configuration file and modify the ONT settings for ONT provisioning. The ONT configuration parameters can be changed or saved in XML. ② File Transfer from FTP server to ONT: For the ONT configuration file (XML file) transfer, the ONT provisioning-related commands should be executed on the OLT. The OLT is capable to relay the user-defined XML file from the FTP server to the activated ONTs. ③ ONT Activation ④ Receive XML configuration file from FTP server: The ONT receives the ONT service configuration file in XML from FTP server. The new service settings are assigned to this ONT. ⑤ Send File Transfer Message: On the OLT side, the OLT can monitor a file transfer status by receiving the messages (“File transfer in progress”, “File transfer complete”, “Remote failure”, “Local failure”) from ONT. www.dasannetworks.eu
www.dasannetworks.eu 38. GPON Provisioning (2) EXAMPLE: SWITCH> enable SWITCH# configure terminal SWITCH(config)# gpon SWITCH(gpon)# gpon-olt 1 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu mgmt-mode ip-path 1 ftp id test password test SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu mgmt-mode ip-path 1 uri file DSNW4bd6a928.xml SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu mgmt-mode ip-path 3 ftp id test password test SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu mgmt-mode ip-path 3 uri file DSNW4bd9be40.xml SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu mgmt-mode ip-path 5 ftp id test password test SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu mgmt-mode ip-path 5 uri file DSNW4bd6aea4.xml You can find more on presentation: 15_ONT - gpon provisioning.pptx www.dasannetworks.eu
39. ONT Activation Issue – Workaround (1) IF ONT got below issue, or if RX power is -40 all the time and ONT is not responding as below: v8240(config-gpon-olt[10/3])# show onu info 28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OLT | ONU | STATUS | Serial No. | Distance | Rx Power | Profile 10/3 | 28 | Active | DSNWcbdd8f1a | 12025m | - 40.0 dBm | OP_H645G_INT1_0055M % Fail update optic power of ONU(10/3,28) This mean that OMCC channel is not established. The ONT at subscriber house should be power off and on to start working. If this will not help, then You can use on of below workarounds: Reset by PLOAM message: DASAN GPON System can do reset ONT using specific PLOAM message (PLOAM ID 200). CLI : olt specific-ploam ONU_ID 200 ONU_SN SWITCH# SWITCH# configure terminal SWITCH(config)# gpon SWITCH(gpon)# gpon-olt 1 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# sh onu detail-info 1 --------------------------------------------------------------- OLT : 1, ONU : 1 Activation Status : Active Last Activation Fail Reason : - Deactivation Reason : LOS Serial Number : DSNW4bd6a928 Serial Number(Hex) : 44534e574bd6a928 Password : 00000000000000000000 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# olt specific-ploam 1 200 44534e574bd6a928000000 www.dasannetworks.eu
40. How to quickly check all profiles assigned to each ONT (1) EXAMPLE: SWITCH> enable SWITCH# configure terminal SWITCH(config)# gpon SWITCH(gpon)# gpon-olt 1 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# onu auto-upgrade enable SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show onu info 2 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# sh running-config traffic-profile H640GW-02 SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show running-config extended-vlan NET SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show running-config extended-vlan IPTV SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show running-config extended-vlan VOIP SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show running-config multicast-profile MULTI SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show running-config voip-profile VOIP SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show running-config dba-profile 20M SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[1])# show running-config dba-profile TEL www.dasannetworks.eu
40. How to quickly check all profiles assigned to each ONT (2) www.dasannetworks.eu
41. ONU Diods Meaning (1) H645G www.dasannetworks.eu
41. ONU Diods Meaning (2) H640G www.dasannetworks.eu
41. ONU Diods Meaning (3) H640GR-02 www.dasannetworks.eu
41. ONU Diods Meaning (4) H640GW-02 and H640RW-02 www.dasannetworks.eu
Thank You If You need help please contact: support@dasannetworks.eu www.dasannetworks.eu