Conquest FireSpray Fire Rated Ductwork Warren Michigan
Manufacturing Capabilities Swap with 9 Two fabrication facilities (130,000 + sq. ft.) History of large projects (Ohio State Univ.) Full 3D modeling & project management staff All styles of duct (spiral, flat oval, rectangular, welded)
Enclosure by Design: In the USA the predominate method for fire protection is subdivided into categories: Compartments Detection Alarm/Notification Evacuation Sprinklers Smoke Removal
Enclosure by Design: What about smoke removal? Are we engineering a smoke removal system tested for that use? Or are we utilizing the existing systems to perform a function they are not tested to provide?
Enclosure by Design: According to SMACNA and the corresponding British standard ventilation and exhaust ductwork have no tested fire resistive standard in their respective designs. That means the SMACNA tables are not designed to include a fire rating. HVAC systems with openings will introduce hot gasses into the duct that is not designed to handle.
What is Fire Rated Ductwork Search of 2009 IBC and 2009 IMC No mention in the code of Fire Resistive Ductwork How do we handle Fire Resistive Ductwork?
Enclosure by Design: There is no USA (ASTM) test today that recognizes fire rated duct systems. There is however an International Standard ISO 6944 (1985 and 2008) .
ISO 6944 ISO 6944 Test Fire Resistive performance of ductwork. Test follows time temperature curve in E119 Developed in EU for Fire Duct and Smoke Extraction Ductwork.
ISO 6944 ISO 6944 Tests Ductwork for 2 conditions Fire inside a duct Type B Fire outside a duct Type A Conditions of the Test Integrity Stability Insulation
(Wrap is only rated for Type A) Type A and Type B Duct (Wrap is only rated for Type A) THE DUCT IS THE ENCLOSURE
Alternate Systems Drywall Enclosures Conventional Shaft Riser with 2 hour Rated Gypsum Enclosure (3 layers) Fire dampers must be in wall
Alt. Wrap Enclosures Firewrap Insulated Duct Insulated Fire Wrap 1 and 2 hr protection Type A only (fire outside the duct) Upgraded Duct Upgraded Supports Multiple Trades
Tested and Classified by UL & ETL Fire Rated Duct Tested and Classified by UL & ETL Classified for up to 2 & 4 hours as a smoke and fire duct (ISO-6944) and complies with NFPA 96
Fire Rated Ductwork US Codes are evolving to accept a duct as an enclosure. ASTM E2816-11 Metallic Fire Resistive Duct Enclosures. Passed Committee July 2011 ICC Evaluation Services Acceptance Criteria November 2011
Fire Rated Ductwork & Metalic Enclosure Test Procedure based on ISO 6944 (2008) standard Tests Ductwork for both conditions Horizontal Condition A, C Vertical Condition B, D Test for fire inside and outside the duct. You cannot guarantee a fire will remain outside the duct.
Fire Rated Ductwork & Metalic Enclosure Test Procedure based on ISO 6944 (2008) standard Conditions of the Test Integrity Stability Insulation Test includes Hangers, Supports and Firestop conditions. Inserts and structural connections not inlcuded.
Grease Duct June 2012 ICC ES issued Acceptance Criteria AC101.2 Recognized galvanized duct without porcelain coating. Tested to conditions of UL1978 except for those related to coating. Field enclosure
Conquest FireSpray 586-576-7600