Slide 1 FastFacts Feature Presentation May 20, 2015 To dial in, use this phone number and participant code… Phone number: Participant code: To participate via VoIP… You must have a sound card You must have headphones or computer speakers © 2015 The Johns Hopkins University. All rights reserved.
Slide 2 Today’s Topic We’ll be taking a look at… Johns Hopkins Travel Program Overview
Slide 3 Today’s Presenters Amy Page Johns Hopkins Director, Travel and Expense Programs Mark Chisamore Johns Hopkins Project Manager
Slide 4 Session Segments Presentation In this session, Amy Page and Mark Chisamore will introduce you to the Johns Hopkins Travel Program and Travel Portal, teach you how to create a traveler profile in Concur, and explain how to book travel with World Travel, Inc. During Amy and Mark’s presentation, your phone will be muted. Q&A After the presentation, we’ll hold a Q&A session. We’ll open up the phone lines, and you’ll be able to ask questions directly. Amy and Mark will answer as many of your questions as time allows
Slide 5 Contact Us If you would like to submit a question during the presentation or if you’re having technical difficulties, you can us at:
Slide 6 Survey At the end of this FastFacts session, we’ll ask you to complete a short survey. Your honest comments will help us to enhance and improve future FastFacts sessions. Thank you in advance for your participation.
Slide 7 How To View Full Screen Click Here
Slide 8 Agenda Today’s presentation will allow: Introduce the Johns Hopkins Travel Program Provide an overview of World Travel, Inc. and its services Identify where to access the Johns Travel Portal and Concur Highlight the Johns Hopkins Travel Portal and its resources Demonstrate how to complete your Traveler Profile within Concur Demonstrate how to create a travel itinerary in Concur Identify the support contacts for troubleshooting issues
Slide 9 The Travel Program was designated to promote three primary benefits for the University and Health System. They include: Travel Program: What it will look like Increased Cost Savings Integrated online booking tool with pre-loaded, Johns Hopkins rates WTI support to leverage spend and negotiate discounts with hotels, airlines, rental cars, and other travel suppliers to deliver the best discounts for Johns Hopkins Enhanced Customer Service Single travel portal with direct access to online booking tool, policies and training World Travel, Inc. agent-supported itinerary changes (i.e., avoid long lines at airports) 24/7/365 customer and emergency support to improve travel experience Improved Safety Support Centralized itineraries to improve Duty of Care Automatic integration with the Johns Hopkins Travel Registry and iSOS to notify travelers in the event of an emergency (anywhere in the world)
Slide 10 Overview of World Travel, Inc. and Concur We are pleased to announce two new components to the Johns Hopkins Travel Program: World Travel, Inc. and Concur World Travel, Inc. OverviewConcur Overview World Travel, Inc. (WTI), based in Exton, PA, is a new travel agency for the university (not to be confused with World Travel Services). The Johns Hopkins Travel Committee selected WTI as its primary travel management company for several reasons, including: Annual booked travel: over $1 Billion Average agent tenure: 11 years Operating Hours: 24/7/365 service (all insourced) Academic Client References: UPenn, American University and Villanova University Concur is the online booking tool that WTI licenses to book travel. Concur, which it is not owned by WTI, is the user interface for corporate bookings. Concur is a tool leveraged by many academic institutions and will provide Johns Hopkins travelers with a number of benefits, including: Lower transaction fees and lower ticket prices Web fare and multi-GDS integration Complete configuration and training Complete quality control and reporting
Slide 11 World Travel, Inc. Fee Structure Like all other travel agencies, World Travel, Inc. charges a nominal transaction fee per booking. The Johns Hopkins Travel Program has helped to secure some of the best rates in the industry. Booking TypeVendor CategoriesTransaction Fee OnlineAir / Rail reservations (including ancillary services)$8 OnlineHotel / Car reservation only$5 Online, Agent AssistedAir / Rail reservation (including ancillary services)$20 Full ServiceAir / Rail reservations (including ancillary services)$35 Full ServiceHotel / Car reservation only$5 Frequently Asked Questions: Q: Is there any fee to research fares online in Concur or over the phone with a WTI agent? A: No, there is no fee to research fares in the Concur tool or over the phone with a WTI agent. Transaction fees are only incurred at the time of booking (hotel / car) or ticketing (air / rail). Q: Are transaction fees the same for both domestic and international reservations? A: Yes, the fees for both domestic and international reservations are identical. Q: Is there any additional fee to change a reservation once it has been booked (i.e., multiple charges)? A: No, you will not incur any additional service fee to change an existing reservation, although the carrier may charge you a change fee. The exception, however, is for agent-assisted online reservations where an upcharge of up to $12 may apply.
Slide 12 Preferred Suppliers List In order to optimize our travel spend, the Johns Hopkins travel program has leveraged is consolidated buying power in the travel sector and negotiated cost-effective contracts with big suppliers. Johns Hopkins Preferred Suppliers Please utilize Johns Hopkins preferred suppliers whenever possible to enable us to continue to negotiate rates for the Johns Hopkins community
Slide 13 By moving our travel spend to one agency, we can leverage World Travel, Inc.’s experience increasing program value through savings. Program Savings Potential with WTI Travel Consultation WTI agents are extremely knowledgeable and experienced agents who provide consultation for complex, global itineraries Unlimited access to consult with WTI agents (at not cost) Leverage the International rate desk to find you better and more efficient routes for global travel Fare Savings WTI has demonstrated repeatedly its ability to save money for its clients. Average fare savings of $69 per ticket (Concur-booked tickets compared to online prices) Average program savings of Top 10 WTI clients: $106,559 per WTI client* Time Savings You will be able to leverage Concur and WTI resources to research and plan travel Unlimited access to research fares in Concur (at not cost) Offload guest, group or conference travel booking to WTI agents These mechanisms will support the Johns Hopkins Travel Program by increasing cost savings and enhancing the customer service you receive.
Slide 14 Your Savings Potential with WTI We are pleased to announce two new components to the Johns Hopkins Travel Program: World Travel, Inc. and Concur Scenario 1: Train Baltimore to New YorkScenario 2: Car Rental in Dallas Scenario 1: You have a midweek trip up to New York to meet with a few donors and elect to take Acela. AMTRAK web price: $428 Concur price: $343 WTI Booking Fee: $8 Estimated Savings: $77 Scenario 2: You are spending the week in Dallas and need a rental car to make some visits around the city. Kayak price: $49.00 per day (w/o insurance) Concur price: $33.69 per day (w/ insurance) WTI Booking Fee: $5 Estimated Savings: ~$16 per day
Slide 15 Value-Added Services World Travel, Inc. offers an array of value-added services to meet its client needs.
Slide 16 Low Fare Guarantee Prior to booking, if you find a lower airfare available for your identical itinerary, World Travel, Inc. will match the lower airfare or provide a refund of double the difference. This is a traveler-driven process. To submit a refund claim, please visit the Johns Hopkins Travel Portal.
Slide 17 Live Travel Portal and Concur Demo
Slide 18 Need Help? If you have additional questions, now or later, please contact one of the individuals below for support. For more information, please contact us at or visit the Johns Hopkins Travel Hopkins Travel Portal. TopicJH Contacts Phone Travel Portal JHU Travel Policy ReimbursementJH Accounts Other IT IssuesJH IT Help Deskn/a (410) 955-HELP (410) 516-HELP Other Travel TopicsMark TopicWTI Contacts Phone Booking TravelAdrienne Burton (Lead (888) (484) ConcurConcur Online Support Mobile SupportMobile Support Groups and MeetingsJohns Hopkins (888) (484)
Slide 19 WTI Dedicated Team ContactTitle Phone Adrienne BurtonJohns Hopkins Team Lead (888) (484) Tim BriggsJohns Hopkins Agent Terrie PostaJohns Hopkins Agent Melissa HolsoppleJohns Hopkins Agent After Hours Agent SupportWorld Travel Donna RufoAccount World Travel, Inc. has a robust and experienced team dedicated to support Johns Hopkins travelers.
Slide 20 We’re going to open the phone lines now! There will be a slight pause, and then a recorded voice will provide instructions on how to ask questions over this conference call line. We’ll be answering questions in the order that we receive them. We’ll also be answering the questions that were ed to us during the presentation. If there’s a question that we can’t answer, we’ll do some research after this session, and then the answer to all participants. Q&A
Slide 21 Thank You! Thank you for participating! We would love to hear from you. Are there certain topics that you would like us to cover in future FastFacts sessions? Would you like to be a FastFacts presenter? Please us at:
Slide 22 Survey Before we close, please take the time to complete a short survey. Your feedback will help us as we plan future FastFacts sessions. Click this link to access the survey… Thanks again!