Moira Stalker National Schools Co-ordinator
Annual R&D spend £10m growing through the downturn Largest manufacturing sector 21% of total industry turnover in Scotland Nearly 50,000 employees 24% of employment Almost 1,200 businesses £9bn turnover Exporting £5.4bn in 2012 Target to grow to £7bn by /3 rds UK Farm Production The Scottish Food and Drink Manufacturing Industry
300+ members including…
SFDF Member Focus Food Safety Regulation
Responsible Marketing Workplace Wellbeing Delivering Healthy Growth Recipe Reformulation Food Labelling SODIUM REDUCTION: 96%
The Competitiveness Challenge An ageing workforce: 49% eligible for retirement in next 20 years Between , 170,300 new recruits required 20% of people working in food manufacturing are qualified to degree level Skills shortages in technical disciplines e.g. food science and technology and engineering IfM research: 1 in 5 parents would encourage their children to consider a career in manufacturing in the UK Improve research: Only 15% of young people would consider a career in food manufacturing!
A Future in Food Promote the food and drink industry as a “Career Destination of Choice” Demonstrate industry relevance over a broad range of subjects, in particular STEM. Make connections between what pupils are learning in school; qualifications and skills; employment opportunities and career pathways. Inspire pupils to make connections between the food on their plates and employment in the food and drink industry.
A Future in Food: How it works SFDF brokers partnerships to encourage industry into schools and schools into industry To date, A Future in Food has delivered: Unique partnerships, delivered across Scotland Different approaches used in each partnership Industry scenarios used to set scene Link with a range of industry and other partners
Partnerships – some examples North Lanarkshire Dragons Lair Authority wide competition in partnership with local authority and local business Open to all primary schools All receive the same brief Finalists chosen and given company input Final event – Dragons Lair Bathgate Academy and AK Stoddart – Burger Challenge Work with partners to develop a challenge for pupils to design a new burger Partner launch for whole year group Farm Visits and site visits to AK Stoddart and TESCO Work on designing product, packaging, costing Product evaluation by company and partners Final event Border Biscuits and Lanark Grammer Local employer working with local school Company delivering support in all years Working with Science, Home Economics, Business Education Provide site visits to other local schools to highlight requirement for technologists and scientists.
Extend Partnerships Better Eating Better Learning Supporting Health Choices Education Working for All Good Food Nation Support introduction of new qualifications Extend partnerships to demonstrate links and opportunities throughout food chain Develop skills and understanding
Food & Drink Skills Ambassadors Challenging outdated perceptions about the sector Encouraging young people to explore careers in areas they may never have thought about before Helping with: – Classroom activities and school clubs – Speed career networking events – Site visits – Teacher CPD – Judging projects and challenges – Large events for school pupils and the general public such as Skills Scotland, Food/Science Festivals, Royal Highland Show 11
Food & Drink Skills Ambassadors Wide range of roles being recruited: People who have arrived through all routes: ‒Apprenticeships, College and University, Other sectors or straight from school – All age groups from 18 to retirees – Minimal commitment of 1 activity/year – Linked to the STEM Ambassadors Programme – Ambassadors also benefit from volunteering – Improved understanding of subject area through presenting to young people with a different perspective – Networking with similar people within the Ambassadors network, sharing ideas – Having fun! 12
Resources Range of careers films including: – A World of Opportunities – A Future in Food – Taste Success The Ultimate Food and Drink Challenge Case Studies Food and Drink Ambassadors YouTube
Careers in Food and Drink
Routes into industry SQA suite of qualifications Direct entry Apprenticeships Further and higher education
MEng Food Engineering Food industry knowledge World-class engineering Centre of Excellence Motivated graduates Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield Hallam University
Food for thought? “Some things search engines can’t do for us – we all gotta eat!” Former Silicon Valley Entrepreneur and now farmer and producer Stephen Butler, Ben Lomond, Santa Cruz, CA.
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