SELF DIRECTED SUPPORT Social Care (Self-Directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013 Gillian McCready Service Manager
Values and Principles Self-Directed Support Involvement – involving the supported person in a genuine and active way in the assessment and planning of support following completion of assessment Informed choice - provide the information and assistance needed to help the supported person make an informed choice Participation and Dignity – seeks to access person centred support based on the individual being at the heart of care support and delivery, and where possible being part of their community and wider society
Chronically Sick and Disabled Person’s Act 1972 Human Rights Act 1998 Equalities Act 2010 Data Protection Act 1998 Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 Freedom of Information Scotland Act 2002 Education Scotland Additional Support for Learning Act 2009 Public Service Reform Scotland 2010 Children’s Hearings Act 2011 Children Scotland Act 1995 Adults with Incapacity Scotland Act 2000 Mental Health Care & Treatment Act 2003 Social Work Scotland Act 1968 Direct Payment Act 1996 Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scotland Act 2007 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Patients Rights Scotland Act 2011 Domestic Abuse Scotland Act 2011 NHS & Community Care (Scotland) Act 1990 Adult Support & Protection Act 2007 Welfare Reform Act 2012 Housing Scotland Act 2010 National Assistance Act 1948 Regulation of Care Scotland Act 2001 Community Care & Health Act Scotland 2002 Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013 Public Bodies (Joint Working) Scotland Act 2014 Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
Golden Threads Outcomes Personalisation Prevention Co-production Transparency Performance
OPTIONS Option 1 Previously Direct Payment. The making of a direct payment by the local authority to the supported person for the provision of support. Option 2 The selection of support by the supported person, the making of arrangements for the provision of it by the local authority on behalf of the supported person and, where it is provided by someone other than the authority, the payment by the local authority of the relevant amount in respect of the cost of that provision.
OPTIONS Option 3 The selection of support for the supported person by the local authority, the making of arrangements for the provision of it by the authority and, where it is provided by someone other than the authority, the payment by the authority of the relevant amount in respect of the cost of that provision. Option 4 The selection by the supported person of Option 1, 2 or 3 for each type of support and, where it is provided by someone other than the authority, the payment by the local authority of the relevant amount in respect of the cost of the support.
SDS APPLICATION SDS does not have a budget attached – we are working within existing budget constraints Options should be offered to people who have longer term, relatively stable and predictable needs for support e.g. Frailty Cognitive impairment Learning disability Physical disability Child with disability Where a person has needs that may be episodic but their recurrence has a degree of predictability
LOCAL DEVELOPMENTS Providers Forums Working with CVS, Your Voice and Circles Advocacy to promote SDS Staff training Training for unit managers Cross care group discussions
PROMOTING CHOICE A local authority must take steps to promote the availability of the options for self-directed support. Making available to the supported persons a wide range of support when choosing options for self-directed support, a local authority must, in so far as is reasonably practicable, promote- –a variety of providers of support, and –the variety of support provided by it and other providers e.g. In house Private/voluntary sector Personal Assistants Social Enterprises Etc.
DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Private and voluntary sector providers –Annual check of financial stability Public liability insurance Care Inspectorate gradings Community activities –Developed by CVS
INDIVIDUAL SERVICE FUND AGREEMENTS Updating Option 1 contract Option 2 –Developing a tri-partite agreement Between provider and service user Between provider and CHCP Between CHCP and service user
COMMISSIONING PLAN An important part of the development of SDS will be capturing: –Unmet need – where services are at capacity –Under-utilised services – where people are choosing something different –New and innovative ideas of support not currently available that would assist people to live longer as part of the wider community This should be made available through future commissioning plans so that providers can plan for future service developments.
Personal Pathway/Financial Cycle Expenditure/obligations incurred and monitoring (welfare and financial) Review process including financial aspects. Changes that affect future spend? Assess over/underspend and impact of future spend Financial projection of costs per Financial Year Formal agreement on Option including accounting for money, recording and other terms and conditions Impact on existing services ? Available Options (not available?)/ Inappropriate (e.g. financial incapacity)? Resource allocation: fair and transparent. Choice of models Policy on eligibility – does budget reflect expected demand Explain process to service user – e.g. eligibility criteria and resource allocation process Volume/demand on services feeds into management and service planning I need support Review First contact Eligibility and assessment Support Agreeing the plan Support planning
FUTURE Four years into the ten year strategy Still a great deal of work to be done Hopefully by working together to meet the aspirations and outcomes of service users we can facilitate the development of Self Directed Support and the Personalisation agenda in Inverclyde