Streamlining Made of 4 Workstreams Recruitment Statutory & Mandatory Training Junior Doctors Rotation Occupational Health Underpinned by how ESR can support the Streamlining Programme
Streamlining Makes Sense Significantly reduces risks, including the risk of employing illegal, inappropriate or incompetent workers Significantly reduce the time to hire and agency spend Significantly reduce the time NHS staff spend unnecessarily reporting on training, employment checks and inductions Increase the capacity of HR, OD and L&D functions
Streamlining Makes Sense Reduction in duplication and increased consistency Improved accuracy in records Reduction in chasing Reduction in ‘Time to Hire’ Cost reduction Staff satisfaction – ours and staff
Streamlining Need to agree on the Regional Vision for each Workstream Need to agree on the possible objectives Tangible benefits that can be measured regionally and per Trust Possible Objectives Develop a regional online induction programme for junior doctors Expand the passport to include mandatory training records (standardised training?) Standardisation of relocation policies and monitoring of claims Proactive and timely identification of vacancies Explore alternative recruitment methods Explore further the lead employer model
Streamlining The majority of the streamlining annual expenditure will be spent on programme management costs Advice from London & now other regional programmes strongly recommend the Programme benefitted from a committed Programme team It is essential in driving and delivering the vision of Streamlining The Programme team is needed to provide focus to the significant cultural shift that is needed to achieve a new and collaborative way of working
STREAMLINING PROGRAMME Next Steps Approval of match funding from Health Education East of England – business case approved Setting up of dedicated Programme Team – 2 roles to recruit (admin and analyst) Official launch on 30th January 2015 – Newmarket Confirmation of Programme Board members, Workstream teams & Executive Champions for each Workstream